Main menu:
The functions of the 4 menus: Users, Programmes, Presettings
and Settings are grouped by topics.
Use this menu to enter users and their individual data and set-
tings and to select who will be the users during the next work
out and who will be the users the next time the equipment will
be switched on.
to access the submenu under the menu option
highlighted in black.
to jump to the standard workout programme
of the “active” user.
“Guest” (active) will be working out next.
“User 1” (standard) is to be activated the next time the equip-
ment is switched on.
This setting will be saved until changed again.
User –> select User
to jump to the “Users” menu.
to jump to the user's standard workout pro-
to set the user highlighted in black as user
the next time the equipment is switched on.
to open the respective submenu of the user hig-
hlighted in black.
In this menu, you can choose from 3 submenus:
User Data
Use to enter user-related data.
Use to enter data related to display and functions, set workout
options and pulse rates.
Workout Data
Use to access overall workout data.
User –> User 1 –> User Data
to access the “User Data” submenu: “User 1”.
Enter user-related data into this menu.
User 1 –> User Data
Enter user-related data into this menu.
• Here, entering the name replaces “User 1”.
• The Date of Birth affects the pulse-rate presettings.
• The height affects the B.M.I. calculation.
• The weight affects the B.M.I. calculation.
• At this stage, the user's “Sex” is irrelevant.
The “BMI” will be calculated from your data.
User data –> enter Name
Highlight “Name” and press
to acces the submenu
”Enter Name”.
Delete the entry
User 1
before entering name
Use the navigation keys to select areas and/or characters.
The active area is highlighted in black.
to insert the selected character. A maximum of
8 characters may be entered.
to enter the entry. Enter at least 1 character,
otherwise the option “Back” will not be displayed.
Use the
keys to adjust “Age”, “Height” and “Weight” and
to select the “Sex”.
The personal data of our fictitious user “Thomas” could look
like this.
This menu contains the overview of the equipment’s workout
If the content of a menu cannot be displayed within the space
of the display, use the navigation keys “Up” and “Down” to
scroll the display. The selection will move and be highlighted
in black as you scroll. For the first menu option, the high-
lighting will be on top, for the last ones it will be on the dis-
play's bottom.