LEVELtrol-II Installation & Operating Instructions
RS-232 Serial Port
The LEVELtrol-II has a general purpose RS-
232 Port which may be used for any one of the
following purposes:
Transaction Printing
Data Logging
Remote Metering by Modem (optional)
Computer Communication Link
Configuration by Computer
Print System Setup
Print Calibration/Malfunction History
Instrument Setup by PC’s over Serial Port
A Diskette program is optionally available with
the instrument that enables the user to rapidly
configure the LEVELtrol-II using an Personnel
Computer. Included on the diskette are common
instrument applications which may be used as a
starting point for your application. This permits the
user to have an excellent starting point and helps
speed the user through the instrument setup.
Operation of Serial Communication Port with
LEVELtrol-II’s RS-232 channel supports a
number of operating modes. One of these modes
is intended to support operation with a printer
in applications requiring transaction printing,
data logging and/or printing of calibration and
maintenance reports.
For transaction printing, the user defines the items
to be included in the printed document. The user
can also select what initiates the transaction print
generated as part of the setup of the instrument.
The transaction document may be initiated via
a front panel key depression, a remote contact
closure, or upon completion of a batch.
In data logging, the user defines the items to be
included in each data log as a print list. The user
can also select when or how often he wishes a data
log to be made. This is done during the setup of
the instrument as either a time of day or as a time
interval between logging.
The system setup and maintenance report lists all
the instrument setup parameters and usage for
the current instrument configuration. In addition,
the Audit trail information is presented along with
a status report listing any observed malfunctions
which have not been corrected.
The user initiates the printing of this report at a
designated point in the menu by pressing the print
key on the front panel.
Operation of Serial Port with Modems (optional)
The LEVELtrol-II RS-232 channel may be used with
a modem in remote metering applications.