08 bandscope
The frequency is made variable on the current screen (Screen 2), and switches automatically to Screen 3 when the
marker moves beyond the upper end of Screen 2. Meanwhile, the display switches to Screen 1 when the marker moves
beyond the lower end of the screen. Under normal circumstances, the waterfall display is cleared and re-displayed upon
switching the display on the screen. However, turning on the EXPAND feature enables a continuous waterfall display
without it being cleared every time. The EXPAND feature can be enabled when the span is 200 kHz or lower (the image
will appear slightly grainier).
Another new feature on the TS-890S is “Marker Shift”. This is a feature for moving the RX marker to the preconfigured
shift position at a single touch. For example, when monitoring the status of other stations calling the DX station or the
status within the RX passband such as during FT8 digital communication, the marker shift position can be configured in
advance to the left edge of the scope screen and the RX marker can be shifted to this position. Compared to the state
when the RX marker is near the center, doing so allows signal monitoring to be performed on a wider area that is to the
right of the marker.
● Center Mode (CENTER MODE)
The RX frequency is always fixed at the center of the horizontal axis of the bandscope in this mode. The TS-890S adopts
a straight-line waterfall display when the frequency is altered. Changing the frequency displaces the flow of the bright
lines that indicate the signal intensity horizontally, and tuning is possible by overlapping it with the RX marker. Compared
to the conventional follow display, the display in this mode allows for more intuitive tuning. Switching to the follow display
is also possible via the menu.
Straight display
Follow display
● Fixed Mode (FIXED MODE)
The lower and upper limits for the displayed frequency are fixed for each amateur band in this mode. It is possible to
switch the scope range to one of the three available options for each amateur band from the panel at a single touch. The
default value is preconfigured based on the band plan, but this can be adjusted to the desired range easily.
Reference Level
Operability of the reference level has been enhanced on the TS-890S with efforts devoted to offer a more user-friendly
view of the waterfall display. By optimizing the respective spans, readjustment is almost unnecessary when the span is
switched (there will be a slight change in the spectrum height). The reference level can now be configured for each band,
and readjustment is no longer necessary when switching between a band for which pairing is ON and one for which
pairing is OFF.
Touchscreen Tuning
When you find a noticeable signal while viewing the bandscope, touch the signal on the bandscope directly.
Doing so moves the display quickly to the area near the target frequency. In the SSB/CW/FSK/PSK mode, correction
using the step frequency of the [MULTI/CH] knob is activated to increase the probability of tuning to the target signal
(the correction function can also be turned off in the menu). In the CW mode, a long-touch on the screen activates CW
auto-tune for more precise tuning.