The PR-A Series i s a s e r i a l control type regulted DC power supply. I t i s a
constant voltage/current power supply whose output can be varied from 0 up
to the rated values.
11 i s a compact uni t which, provided w i t h both v o l t a g e and c u r r e n t
calibrated meters, allows both voltage and current to be monitored simultan-
eous l y . I n terms of operabi 1 i ty, the uni t enables high p r e c i s i o n ,
continunes r i a b i 1 i t y v i a coarse and fine adjust knobs. We are confident
that the unit's design conceived with the user's convenience in mind to enable
advantages such as arrangement in easy -to- use configurations and
r e l i a b i l i t y w i l l s a t i s f y your needs very well.
With the PR-A Series, multiple units of the same model can be connected in
parallel to set up a "one-control" master/salve configuration having increased
current output.
OThe PR-A S e r i e s i s a constant v o l t a g e / c u r r e n t supply which f e a t u r e s
extremely low voltage and load fluctuations and ripple noise.
OControls the output on and off by using output switch.
OThe unit features separate voltage and current meters so that both voltage
and current can be monitored simultaneously.
OOutput voltage and current can be adjusted continuously to any desired
Furthermore, the voltage can be preset e a s i l y and p r e c i s e l y using coarse
and fine adjust knobs.
OThe constant current c i r c u i t operates to protect against overload and output
shorting. The limiting current can be preset from 0 up to the rated curr
and the unit can also be used as a constant current supply.
OThe units enables "one-control" operat ion v i a connect ion in s e r i e s , or
via parallel connection in a master/slave configuration.
OUsing an optional rack-mounting adapter (RK-604), the PR Series can be
installed on a EIA or J I S rack.