Manual KHS Mini System Control MASTER
CAN bus
CAN bus
CAN bus
CAN bus system overview
The basic version of the -MASTER- control system includes as the smallest solution a
flushing valve for water exchanging measures. This -MASTER- System Control is
required for triggering the flushing valve and for signal evaluation.
Up to a maximum of 31 -SLAVE- controls per CAN-BUS connection of the -MASTER-
can be controlled per CAN bus connection. Furthermore, the -MASTER- System
Control, using two integrated CAN bus connections, can trigger up to 62 -SLAVE-
controls and one directly-connected KHS water exchange group.
That means up to 63 KHS water exchange groups can be connected and operated.
The accumulated total length of one CAN bus connection can amount to a
maximum of 1000 m (total length is thus 2000m).
Layout variants
The controllers must be connected in series, as can be seen in Example
1. During this, the -MASTER- System Control can be connected within
the series (Variant 2) or as a final subscriber (Variant 1). Branches or
start connections, as can be seen in Example 2, are not possible.
Furthermore, shorter cable distances are recommended.
Example 1: Layout variant, KHS-Mini System Control -MASTER-
Variant 1
Variant 2
Ill. 5.1 Illustration of a layout variant, KHS Mini System Control -MASTER- system control