Version 08/2020
Seite 7 von 24
How to open and to close the housing
To open the ADT1 Tube housing, push at the marked positions against the bottom of the housing/piston (see
illustration below). The ADT1 Box can be easily opened with a Screwdriver PZ1, unscrew the four screws and carfully
open the lid.
To close the unit, push with two fingers against the top of the housing/piston until it stops. Be sure that that the piston
is completely inserted. Keep dry before opening and closing. To close the ADT1 Box you just squeeze the screws to-
gether and make a quarter turn.
A bag containing silicate desiccant is used to protect the sensitive electronics from humidity. Put this bag into the box
or tube.
Do not touch the electronic components and the ePTFE membrane
Keep dry before opening and closing. To maintain the watertight seal, all O-Rings must be kept free of dirt and debris.
We recommend the use of silica-gel moisture absorbing packets which are reusable after drying out in an oven.
Replacing batteries
The cable twists allow the batteries to be easily removed from the holder (no tools required). Just turn the cable twist
upwards and pull on the two balls to take the batterie out (see illustration below). They can then be clipped back on to
the new batteries.
Insert 3 high-quality lithium AA batteries (Energizer Ultimate Lithium / L91) into the battery holders. Always replace all
three batteries simultaneously with identical and new ones. Makes sure you insert the batteries the right way as shown
in the picture. The device operates until the voltage drops to 3.5V
When the battery is changed, the time keeping function is working for about 4min, which has the advantage that the
time does not need to be readjusted.