Model DMM7510 7½ Digit Multimeter User's Manual
Section 10: Capturing and analyzing waveforms
DMM7510-900-01 Rev. B / May 2015
Send the following commands:
--Reset the instrument to default settings
--Create a local variable to store the number of samples
numofsamples = 10000
--Set the measure function to digitize voltage to capture the power-up behavior
dmm.digitize.func = dmm.FUNC_DIGITIZE_VOLTAGE
--Voltage range must be fixed when using digitize voltage
dmm.digitize.range = 10
--Set the sample rate to 1 Msample per second to capture any small glitch
dmm.digitize.samplerate = 1e6
--Set aperture to auto to get the highest accuracy measurement for the sampling
rate configured
dmm.digitize.aperture = dmm.APERTURE_AUTO
--Changing count is optional. The reading buffer capacity determines the actual
dmm.digitize.count = 1
--Set the input impedance to auto so it selects 10 G for the 10 V range
dmm.digitize.inputimpedance = dmm.IMPEDANCE_AUTO
--Set the buffer size to the number of samples to capture both pre and post
triggered data
defbuffer1.capacity = numofsamples
--Clear buffer
--Select analog edge trigger to capature the power-up behavior
dmm.digitize.analogtrigger.mode = dmm.MODE_EDGE
--Set edge slope to detect a rising edge
dmm.digitize.analogtrigger.edge.slope = dmm.SLOPE_RISING
--Set edge level trigger to 3 V for the 5 V steady-state output
dmm.digitize.analogtrigger.edge.level = 3
--Define a trigger model that will capture 50% pre and 50% post triggered data
trigger.model.setblock(1,trigger.BLOCK_DIGITIZE, defbuffer1,
trigger.model.setblock(2,trigger.BLOCK_WAIT, trigger.EVENT_ANALOGTRIGGER)
trigger.model.setblock(3,trigger.BLOCK_DIGITIZE, defbuffer1, numofsamples/2)
--Waits for the trigger model to finish collecting data before proceeding
print("test ended")