Model 2651A High Power System SourceMeter® Instrument User's Manual
Section 6: Characterization of power discretes
Title: IV Curves Example Script
Description: This script will perform a series of IV curves on a
MOSFET or IGBT device and will return the data in a Microsoft Excel
compatible format for graphing and analysis.
TSP-Link Configuration:
Node 1: 2651A
Node 2: 26xxA
Master Node: Node 1
IV_Curves(gstart, gstop, gsteps, dstart, dstop, dsteps, pulseWidth,
pulsePeriod, pulseLimit)
Description: This function will perform a series of pulsed sweeps
on a MOSFET or IGBT device to generate a series of IV Curves that
characterize the device.
Note: To avoid device oscillations, a series resistor on the gate
terminal of the device may be required.
gstart: The starting voltage of the gate sweep
gstop: The ending voltage of the gate sweep
gsteps: The number of steps in the gate sweep
dstart: The starting voltage of the drain sweep
dstop: The ending voltage of the drain sweep
dsteps: The number of steps in the drain sweep
pulseWidth: The width of the drain pulse in seconds
pulsePeriod: The time in seconds between the start of
consecutive drain pulses in the sweep
pulseLimit: The current limit in amperes of the drain pulse
Example Usage:
IV_Curves(5, 9, 5, 0, 10, 21, 300e-6, 30e-3, 50)
function IV_Curves(gstart, gstop, gsteps, dstart, dstop, dsteps, pulseWidth,
pulsePeriod, pulseLimit)
tsplink.reset(2) -- Verify that at least two nodes are present
-- Configure the Drain SMU(2651A)
smua.source.func = smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS
smua.sense = smua.SENSE_REMOTE
smua.source.rangev = math.max(math.abs(dstart),
-- Select the source range that is large enough to fit all values of the sweep
smua.source.levelv = 0 -- Sets the drain bias level
smua.source.limiti = 5
smua.measure.rangev = smua.source.rangev
smua.measure.rangei = (pulseLimit == "off") and 50 or pulseLimit
-- Select a measure range large enough to fit pulses up to the current limit
2651A-900-01 Rev. A / March 2011