A. SINGLE looping performs all the tests in the speci-
fied series. The instrument displays the number of
the test being run. If a failure occurs, an asterisk (*)
appears at the right-hand end of the display and re-
mains on for the remainder of the tests in the series.
This testing process automatically stops after the
last test in the series is completed. This test process
can also be stopped by pressing EXIT. When EXIT
is pressed, any test in process will be allowed to fin-
ish before aborting the testing process.
B. CONTINUOUS looping continuously repeats all
the tests in the specified series until the testing pro-
cess is manually stopped. If a failure occurs, an as-
terisk (*) appears at the right-hand end of the
display and remains on for the remainder of the tests
in the series. This test process can be stopped by
pressing EXIT. When EXIT is pressed, any test in
process will be allowed to finish before aborting the
testing process.
C. STEP looping is used to perform one test at a time.
Each press of the ENTER key performs the dis-
played test. If a failure occurs, an asterisk (*) ap-
pears at the right hand end of the display and
remains on for the remainder of the tests in the se-
ries. The instrument automatically aborts the testing
process after the last test in the series is run. If you
do not wish to run all the tests in the series, simply
press EXIT after the desired test is run.
Again, the number to the left is the measured value,
and the number to the right is the test number.
8. After the testing process is stopped, the following mes-
sage is displayed:
All tests complete *
Press ENTER to review or EXIT
The asterisk (*) is displayed only if a failure occurs.
9. In the event of no test failures, press any key to return to
the BUILT-IN TEST menu. If you wish to run more
tests, repeat steps 4 through 8.
In the event of a failure, press ENTER to display the first
test that failed. Other test failures can be displayed by
using the left and right arrow keys. The INFO key can be
used to provide a brief summary of each displayed test
failure. Paragraph 2.11 provides detailed documentation
for troubleshooting the defective circuit. When finished,
press EXIT to return to the BUILT-IN TEST menu. If
you wish to run more tests, repeat steps 4 through 8.
10. When finished with BUILT-IN TEST, use the EXIT key
to back out of the menu structure.