T-305E User Manual Version 3.5 | 13
Rear Panel Description
The back panel of the instrument consists of the high voltage output cable, the protection
grounding cable and auxiliary grounding cable.
High-voltage output cable: The core of the high-voltage cable is connected to the
faulty cable, the transparent grounding wire is connected to the metallic protective
sheath of the faulty cable. The metallic protective sheath must be grounded, which is
called the working ground (
Working GND)
Protection grounding cable: The protection grounding cable is connected to the
ground using the grounding clamp. The protection ground (
Protection GND
) must be
separated from the working ground. If separate grounding points are not available,
the protection ground can also be connected to the substation earth bar but it must
be as far away as possible from the point where the 'working ground' is connected.
Auxiliary grounding cable: The auxiliary grounding cable is connected to the ground
using the grounding clamp. The auxiliary ground (
Auxiliary GND
) must be separate
from the protection ground. If separate grounding points are not available, the
auxiliary ground can also be connected to the substation earth bar but it must be as
far away as possible from the point where the 'working ground' is connected.
Additionally, it must not be clamped together with the auxiliary ground, but
connected at a separate point on the substation earth bar.
Note: The protection ground and the auxiliary ground must be grounded separately,
otherwise the high voltage output cannot start.
Figure 4.4 T-305E Back panel