Some DVD dis cs may contain 2 more tit les. If t he disc has a tit le menu recorded on it, the TI TLE butt on can
be used to select the movie title.
The exact details of operation will depend on how a particular disc was manufact ured.
The TITLE butt on will have no eff ect if there are no tit les on the disc.
Press t he TITLE but ton. A list of the tit les on t he disc will be displayed.
(Press TI TLE again to resume play from the point where the TI TLE button was first pressed
The Resu me Play feat ure may not f unct ion correctly depending on how the disc’s titles
were made)
Use the ARROW or numeric keypad butt ons to select the desired tit le and press ENTER or PLAY.
Many DV D disc s have unique menu struct ures called DVD Menus. These menus may take many forms.
For example, DVD's programmed with complex contents provide guide menus and those recorded with
soundtrack s in several diff erent languages provide menus for audio and subtitle language. Although t he
contents and operation of DVD Menus will vary greatly f rom disc to disc, general inst ructions on how to use
them follow.
Please not e that the exact details of operation will depend on how a particular disc was manufact ured. Also
note t hat t he MENU but ton will have no ef fect if t here are no menus on the disc.
To display the menu recorded on DVD or VCD 2. 0 discs:
Press t he MENU but ton
The menu recorded on the disc will appear on screen.
Menu appearance varies widely f rom disc to disc.
CD Audio discs and VCD1.1 disc s do not have disc menus
Press t he ARROW but tons to move to the item that you want , and then press
the ENTER butt on to select it .
The MODE Button – Shuffl e & Repeat Play
The DVD-2 can randoml y or selectively repeat Chapters or Titles on t he disc.
Press the MODE butt on during disc playback to display the
Play Mode menu.
The 1
item, “Mode” will be highlighted. Press t he ENTER
butt on repeatedly to cycle between “Off ” and “Shuff le”
Use the ARROW butt ons t o highlight the 2
item, “Repeat ”.
Press the ENTER but ton repeatedly t o cycle between “Off ”,
“Chapter” and “Title”.
After making the desired select ion(s), press the MODE
butt on again to remove the Mode menu from the screen.
Not e t hat t he Repeat choices f or VCD’s & Audio CD’s are Off, Repeat Single Track and Repeat All Tracks.