Rev. 1.00
KBR multicomp F144-3 6DO/12DO
Description of the display window
Switching threshold system on:
In this submenu, the switching threshold for switching on the system can be
varied It can be varied between 0 °C and 60 °C.
Bus mode:
In this submenu, the bus protocol of the device can be set.
to KBR eBus or Modbus RTU.
The KBR eBus setting is used for testing purposes.
If Modbus RTU is selected, you can set the transmission parameters here. The
supported transmission parameters are:
Baud rate (baud)
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
even, odd, none
Data bits 8
Stop bits
1 for even and odd, 2 for Parity none
Learning mode:
In this submenu, you can show or hide the submenu item "Learning mode
activate" (in the Commissioning menu).
Touch tones:
In this submenu, you can turn the key sounds (which sound if a sensor button
is pushed) on or off.
EEP delete:
For production purposes only.