Low voltage current transformers, multict KBR
8. Product information
Our customers trust the world-renowned quality of our products.
Current transformers are produced with closed and split cores. These undergo multiple
tests during the production process to ensure all quality requirements.
The split design of the KBR product group means that these converters are more sensitive
to external infl uences than current transformers with a closed core.
In addition to environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, as well as
mechanical stress, other factors such as soiling, corrosion and damage to the cut surfaces
can aff ect the accuracy of the transducer.
KBR GmbH has no infl uence on these factors.
Any measuring accuracy deviations caused by these infl uences, especially in the long-
term measuring behavior, cannot be completely ruled out.
However, the total errors occurring as a consequence of the above infl uences is generally
always within the applicable traffi
c error limits.
(The applicable traffi
c error limits cannot exceed twice the standard error value.)