Error messages
sage KBL/4
Status description
E00: Hardware Error
Main board defective
Replace the main board (contact your Customer Service).
E01: BUS: Error fan
speed control
Faulty communication between Mainboard
and fan-speed control.
Check / replace the patch cable. If the fault persists, contact your
Customer Service..
E02: BUS: Error
temperature sensor
C Temperature sensor defective or malfunc-
Check / replace the patch cable. If the fault persists, contact your
Customer Service.
E03: Maximum
tanning time.
Enabling signal from coin-box system comes
in longer than the time value approved under
“Maximum tanning time” (voltage remains con-
nected) .
Disconnect from the coin-box system.
E04: BUS: Error
vocie mp3-player
Data exchange between control and Voice
MP3 Player disturbed.
Check „Voice“ SD Card. Check / replace the patch cable. If the fault
persists, contact your Customer Service.
E06: BUS: Error
easyCare relay
Communication between control and easy-
Care relay has been interrupted.
Check / replace the patch cable. If the fault persists, contact your
Customer Service.
E07: BUS: Error
I²C bus system defective.
Check / replace the patch cable. If the fault persists, contact your
Customer Service.
E08: Excess tempe-
rature bimetal
Bi-metal switch triggers.
Check the air-intake/air-discharge system and the fan. Let the tan-
ning system cool down and acknowledge the message by pressing
the START button. If the fault persists, contact your Customer Ser-
E12: BUS: Error
mon amie Terminal
Communication between control and mon
amie terminal has been interrupted.
Check cable connections and power supply. Acknowledge the mes-
sage by pressing START. If the fault persists, contact your Customer
U t i l i s a t i o n e t M a i n t e n a n c e
mon amie