Ethernet Switch User Manual
ESUL6-FL2_inst_manual-Rev 1009
Copyright © KBC Networks Ltd.
Page 9 of 20
Fiber Optic Connections
The ESUL6-FL2 offers two pairs of uplink redundant full duplex fiber ports of
100Base-FX which can be either single-mode or multi-mode. Each optical connector
is a duplex SC. The interface should be used in a pair (Tx and Rx), where the Tx
interface is the optical transmitting terminal which connects to the optical receiving
terminal (Rx) of the remote device. The optical Rx is the receiving terminal which
connects to the transmitting terminal (Tx) of the same optical interface of the
remote device. The two pairs of uplink redundant fiber ports can be used to form a
fiber optic redundant ring network. If a system failure occurs the redundant recovery
time of the ring network is less than 100ms.
Figure 2.1 Front Panel