Instructions for use DIAGNOdent pen 2190
5 Operation | 5.5 Determine findings
5.5 Determine findings
5.5.1 General
Using the DIAGNOdent pen 2190 has advantages over minimally invasive therapy.
Very small invisible changes up to a depth of 2 mm can be identified in the tooth sub‐
stance and treated.
The values of the DIAGNOdent pen 2190 are not an automatic green light. When in‐
terpreting the values, other caries risk factors must be taken into consideration such
as the caries history, frequency of sugar intake, presence of caries bacteria, and sali‐
va production.
In numerous clinical studies, the thresholds of the DIAGNOdent pen 2190 correspon‐
ded with actual caries. In the table, we refer to the publication: Prof. Lussi et al., Quin‐
tessenz 10/2003. This publication can also be obtained as a special print from KaVo.
These values are based on the fact that a zero value was first measured on at a
healthy coronal location.
KaVo recommends the following therapies for the different ranges of values of the DI‐
AGNOdent pen for fissure caries, smooth surface caries and proximal caries.
Fissure caries and smooth surface caries
DIAGNOdent pen values
Diagnosis - Therapy
0 to 12
Normal prophylaxis (such as fluoride toothpaste)
13 to 24
Intensive prophylaxis (such as fluoridation, KaVo HealO‐
> 25
Minimally invasive restorative procedures
Filling materials and intensive prophylaxis
(such as KaVo HealOzone, RONDOflex, SONICflex)
Classic restoration for large lesions depending on the
risk and findings
Proximal caries
DIAGNOdent pen values
Diagnosis - Therapy
0 to 7
Normal prophylaxis (such as fluoride toothpaste)
8 to 15
Intensive prophylaxis (such as fluoridation, KaVo HealO‐
> 16
Minimally invasive restorative procedures
Composite filling materials and intensive prophylaxis
(such as KaVo HealOzone, RONDOflex, SONICflex)
Classic restoration for large lesions depending on the
risk and findings
A diagnosis based on the values of the DIAGNOdent pen 2190 together with the ca‐
ries risk factors enable caries to be identified in a timely manner or whether the tooth
substance is healthy.
The DIAGNOdent pen 2190 is excellent for determining progression. In many cases in
which a definitive diagnosis cannot be made, a non-invasive treatment such as fluori‐
dation or KaVo HealOzone should be done. The progression can be observed in regu‐
lar checkups.
1. Professional teeth cleaning
Calculus removal with the SONICflex, manual instruments, PROPHYflex powder jet
device with PROPHYpearls, DURAtec 2933 polishing contra-angle handpiece
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