Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft NT Server
Figure 49. The
Change password
dialog box
This box (see Figure
49) allows you to
define and change
the password. Enter
your password in the
New password
field and confirm it in
text field.
Protect resident task stopping
– If you check this box, the program will
prompt for the password when somebody tries to stop resident tasks (for
example, Kaspersky AV Monitor) running on the computer.
Protect non-resident tasks stopping
– If you check this box, the program
will prompt for the password when somebody tries to stop non-resident tasks
(such as Anti-Virus Scanner or Kaspersky AV Updater) running on the
Protect Kaspersky AV Control Centre settings modification
– If you
check this box, the program will prompt for the password when somebody
tries to display the window and to change settings of Kaspersky AV Control
Protect Kaspersky AV Control Centre exiting
– If you check this box, the
program will prompt for the password when somebody tries to unload
Kaspersky AV Control Centre from the memory.
When selecting a password-protected action, make sure to enter your
password in the
text field!
In addition, this tab allows you to disable some task types that can be dangerous,
if somebody tries to remotely administer the package without any authorization
(system crack).
Figure 50. The
Disabled tasks
This feature can be enabled on the
tasks branch (see Figure 50).
This product version has only one option available:
Run user program
– If you check this box, user programs will be prohibited
from starting as Kaspersky AV Control Centre tasks.