Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft NT Server
Scan files of following types –
scans files in the corresponding locations
(including System, Hidden and Read Only files). This check box is available
if you checked the
My Computer
or a disk box in the upper left sub-frame.
You cannot uncheck it for a folder or file. If you check this box you must
define file types to be checked for viruses:
All infectable
– scans all files that are able to carry a virus.
– scans every file of every type.
By mask
– scans the file types defined by user in the text fields below.
You can specify an unlimited quantity of file types, but make sure that
one text field contains only one file type.
Exclude by mask
– excludes from the check the file types defined by
user in the text fields below. You can specify an unlimited quantity of file
types, but make sure that one text field contains only one file type.
Scan sectors –
scans boot sectors (master boot record and boot sectors).
This check box is available only if you checked the
My Computer
or a disk
box in the upper left sub-frame.
Scan memory –
scans RAM. This check box is available only if you
checked the
My Computer
box in the upper left sub-frame.
Scan MS Outlook Express databases –
scans MS Outlook Express (v. 5.0
and later) databases. This check box is available only if you checked the
box in the upper left sub-frame. For details of scanning in mail
databases of the other formats see subchapter
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Scanner checks only in those *.dbx files that are
stored within the MS Outlook Express working directory and,
respectively, started every time you start MS Outlook Express. The
*.dbx files in other directories are considered by the program as
standard mail databases. The program is able to detect viruses in those
databases but cannot delete them.
Scan start-up objects
– scans objects started at the operating system start.
This check box is available only if you checked the
My Computer
box in the
upper left sub-frame.
Handling infected and suspicious objects
Actions in case of virus detection –
if an infected or suspicious object is
detected, the program will perform one of the following actions:
Ask user
– Kaspersky AV Scanner will open up the dialog box
(Figure 6). This dialog box contains the name of the infected file, the
name of the detected virus and a list of possible actions to be performed
with the infected object (that is, a list of all possible actions except for
Ask user
). In addition, the dialog box contains the
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