Kanda 2013
Real Time Clock
A 32768 Hz crystal is connected to TOSC1 and TOSC2 pins - Pin 19 and Pin 18. These
pins are also Port pins PG3 and PG4, but are not connected to the expansion headers.
This crystal can be used to generate a 1 second pulse by setting Timer 0 to
Asynchronous Operation - see Atmega128 data sheet for details
JTAG Header
The board has a second programming/debugging interface next to the mounted AVR
chip. This connector should NOT be used for normal ISP operations
It has the recommended Atmel JTAG Interface pin-out and can be used with JTAG ICE
tools, such as the Kanda JTAGAVR, which will plug straight in, without adapters. Kanda
AVRUSB programmers, with JTAG adapter fitted, can also use this connector.
LCD Circuit
The 14 x 1 header marked LCD is for a standard 2 X 16 character LCD. The
connections are shown on the board and in the following table. LCD display faces out
1 RD
0 WR
Edge of Board