Nesis III User’s Manual
10. Software Update
Software Update
This section describes actions required to update the software.
The Nesis software is under continuous development, where we are adding
new features and sometimes we also remove some old ones. Updating to the
latest version is not completely without risk, especially if you are updating
from a very old version. If your system works fine, think about updating and
its associated risk first. If you can wait with an update, try to update at
the end of flying season. Please, avoid updating just before a long flying trip
which you were long wating for.
Kanardia is using semantic versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. A version
labeled as 3.2.5 means major version 3, minor revision 2 and patch (fix) 5.
A MAJOR version increase means that it may break compatibility with exist-
ing version. Furthermore it may also mean that old hardware is not supported
anymore or that some old features will be dropped. Think twice before up-
dating to a higher version as significant side effects may occur.
A MINOR revision increase should keep compatibility with previous revision
of the same version. Though sometimes side effects may kick in. If they do,
they should be small enough.
A PATCH with higher number and same version and revision is usually issued
to correct some corner cases which were not properly addressed. In most cases
the changes are insignificant and side effects shall be minor or nil.
In general, downgrading to previous version or even to previous revision
. Significant negative side effects may occur.
Updating with USB Stick
In most cases, Nesis is updated using USB stick. Here the following steps are
1. downloading an update file,
2. copying the update file to the USB stick,