5511-229 GB/98.06/Rev. B1
7. Tariff Functions
III has two extra energy registers: TA2 and TA3,
which can be used to accummulate energy, determined by the
preprogrammed tariff parameters, parallel to the main register.
The measuring unit for TA2 and TA3 is always the same as the
main register, i.e. either kWh, MWh or GJ. However, the unit field
only indicates TA2 and TA3.
The main register must always register accummulated energy
consumption as this is considered legal accounting data - regard-
less of the tariff function selected. Tariff limits TL2 and TL3 are
monitored at every integration.
When the tariff parameters occur, the consumed thermal energy is
registered in either TA2 or TA3, parallel to the main register.
Every tariff function has a set of two tariff parameters, TL2 and
TL3, which are always used for the same tariff type, i.e. the two
tariff types cannot be “mixed”.
Tariff types
No active tariff
If the tariff function is not required, select setup E=0.
Power-controlled tariff
When the current thermal power (P), in kW or MW, is
larger than TL2, but smaller than TL3, thermal energy
is counted in TA2 - parallel to the main register. If the
actual power becomes larger than TL3, thermal energy
is counted in TA3, again parallel to the main register.
P < TL2
Counting in main register only
TL3 > P > TL2 Counting in TA2, plus main register
P > TL3
Counting in TA3, plus main register
When programming data, make sure that TL3 is larger
than TL2.
The power controlled tariff can be used as a basis for
calculating the individual consumer’s connection fee.