Kamstrup A/S • 5512853_C1_GB_01.2017
M-Bus Master MultiPort 250D
Optical Eye
The optical eye can be activated and deactivated. If not in use, and when the master is placed in very light
surroundings, the optical eye ought to be deactivated in order not to disturb communication on the other
communication ports.
The optical eye is deactivated by default.
7.11 PIN code
Keyboard and reading via the optical
eye of M-Bus Master MultiPort 250D
can be protected by a PIN code.
The value is changed using and
and the left and right function
keys are used for switching between
the individual digits. Press in order
to activate the PIN code.
A padlock is displayed when the PIN code function is active. If the padlock is
open the master is unlocked, the padlock is closed when the master is locked.
The master is automatically locked approx. 30 minutes after end of use.
If the PIN code has been lost, the master can only be reset by a
Kamstrup technician.
7.12 Advanced
The menu area Advanced includes various functions for meter reading, network troubleshooting, display of operation
and error loggers, etc.