Kamstrup A/S • 55122714_A2_GB_04_2021
flowIQ® Gateway
5 Before field deployment
If using a radio communication module in flowIQ® Gateway, it is required that you import the
encryption key file from EKS at My Kamstrup in your MDM system. Please follow the steps below.
5.1 Import flowIQ® Gateway in meter data management systems
5.1.1 Automatic import in READy Manager
Billing data can be corrupted if you do not follow the instructions found in section 8.3
"flowIQ® Gateway and meter exchanges in MDM" when performing exchanges of meters
or gateways.
Kamstrup recommends only importing flowIQ® Gateways or connected flowIQ® 2200/3200
meters in READy Manager. Not both.
When using flowIQ® Gateway as an installation point in READy Manager, only the
flow® Gateway serial number will be availbale in READy Manager.
If using Kamstrup's MDM system READy Manager, flowIQ® Gateway is automatically imported into
READy Manager if you are logged in with your My Kamstrup account and the "Import new devices"
checkbox is ticked.
More information can be found in the READy Manager user guide under "Automatically importing
information for new devices".
5.1.2 Manual import in READy Manager
If not logged in, you can import flowIQ® Gateway directly from EKS found in My Kamstrup.
Click the "Import devices" button on the start page of READy Manager and import the downloaded
encryption key file from EKS.
More information can be found in the READy Manager user guide under "Manually importing
information for new devices".
5.1.3 Import in a third-party MDM system
If using another MDM system and radio communication, the encryption key file must be manually
downloaded from EKS at My Kamstrup and imported in the MDM system.
If using a module with wired communication, data is not encrypted.