background image

motor protectIon fIlter

The motor protection filter must always 
be in place when operating the vacuum 
otherwise damage to the motor may 

To replace the motor protection filter 
- remove the dust container. The motor 
protection filter is located at the bottom 
of the inner chamber. Pull the filter 
upward to remove then simply replace the 
new filter.

exHauSt fIlter

The exhaust filter should be cleaned every 
six months. Simply unclip the grill at the 
back of the vacuum cleaner and shake 
and tap the filter to remove any dust 
accumulated. Then relocate the filter and 
reattach the grill.

care and maIntenance

Always switch appliance off, then switch 
off at the power outlet and unplug the 
appliance prior to cleaning or replacing 
either filter.

To clean the outside of the unit, wipe the 
exterior with a soft, damp cloth. Never 
use an abrasive cleaner. 

cHecK and replace BotH 

tHe motor protectIon 

and Hepa fIlterS 

approxImately twIce 

a year or wHen VISIBly 




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9/5/07   11:42:25 AM
