In the installation, adjustment and the cleaning processes please don’t bend the fan blades, or it will damage the equipment
or affect using effects.
Please make sure the fan's input voltage and supply voltage are the same before cut-in the power.
Please don’t proceed examine and repair works while power on so as to prevent electric shock.
Please don’t secretly alter the structure and installation site of the fan.
Please don’t open the electrical control box while power on so as to prevent electric shock.
Please don’t operate the damaged devices, or it will bring serious consequences of personal injury.
Strictly prohibit the structural changes or parameter changes of the electrical control box, or it will cause equipment damage or
personal injury and death accident duo to the improper set.
In the electrical control box there includes high-voltage storage capacitor. When you operate the fan control device, please
wait for 3 minutes to let the voltage release out (notes: the displayer blackness is not the mark that the voltage has reached the
safety level) to prevent electric shock.
Strictly prohibit the operation when the safety space of the fun is insufficient.
Strictly prohibit the operation during the reverse back process of the fun’s operating space, and make sure whether there are
obstacles before starting.
B e f o r e o p e r a t i n g t h e e q u i p m e n t , p l e a s e r e a d t h e
p r o d u c t i n s t r u c t i o n a n d c l e a r t h e o b s t a c l e s i n t h e
f a n r e v o l v e a r e a t o e n s u r e t h e r e i s e n o u g h s a f e t y
s p a c e f o r t h e f a n o p e r a t i o n .
W a r n i n g : P l e a s e m a k e s u r e t o t u r n o f f t h e p o w e r
s u p p l y f i r s t b e f o r e d o i n g a n y e l e c t r i c a l a n d f a n
m a i n t e n a n c e a n d d i d b y p r o f e s s i o n a l s t o a v o i d
b e i n g w o u n d e d !
Three Gears Control Switches
Three gears control switches are the electrical devices that control OFF, RUN and
Reset, and they are weak current control switches. They directly control the
frequency converter.
1. confirm there is no obstruction and potential danger in the fan operation space ;
2. confirm the input power supply is correct and meet the product's requirement;
3. confirm the speed knob at the minimum position;
4. turn on the fan, turn the control switch from STOP position to RUN position;
5. after the fan starts, adjust speed knob to get the appropriate speed and best effect.
1. STOP device, turn the control switch from
RUN position to STOP;
2. Power outage is prohibited during the fan
normal operation.
speed control
8. Operation
Safety instructions
The installation and layout of the circuit wiring must be performed by our professional qualified staff.
Please use the specified device component appointed by our company.
While the fan is running, please don’t cut off the power, otherwise it will cause damage to the fan. It should cut
off the power when the fan is drop-dead halt.
When the fan is in the corotation (inversion) state, please don’t switch the button to the opposite direction
directly or it will cause the mechanical failure.
Common causes for the malfunctioning operation:
The external power supply of the control box is not valid;
Open the master switch, and then turn on the three gears control switch, if the fan can still not work, please check
whether the speed knob is of the MIN state. Otherwise, please contract KaLe Environmental Technology(Shanghai)
Corp. at +86-21-57685107.
Non-professional staffs do not open the electrical control box! For repair or adjustment, KaLe Environmental
Technology(Shanghai)Corp. will send you our trained professionals or engineers.
If you find the equipment is damaged or has abnormal sound, please stop running as soon as possible, cut off
power supply, and contact our service department.
Notes: Equipment damages due to the improper use are not covered by the warranty. Personal injuries and
equipment damages for your failure to comply with the contents of this manual, the Company will not bear any
Normal boot sequence of operations
Normal shutdown sequence of operations: