| Kaden Installation Manual
Indoor drainpipe installation
Install the drainpipe as illustrated in the following figure.
Note on drainpipe installation
• When using an extended drainpipe, tighten the indoor
connection with an additional protection tube to
prevent it from pulling loose.
• The drainpipe should slope downward at a gradient of
at least 1/100 to prevent water from flowing back into
the air conditioner.
• To prevent the pipe from sagging, space hanging wires
every 1000mm – 1500mm.
• If the outlet of the drainpipe is higher than the body’s
pump joint, provide a lift pipe for the exhaust outlet of
the indoor unit. The lift pipe must be installed no higher
than 750mm from the ceiling board and the distance
between the unit and the lift pipe must be less than
300mm. Incorrect installation could cause water to flow
back into the unit and flood.
• To prevent air bubbles, keep the drain hose level or
slightly sloping up before the riser.
When connecting multiple drainpipes, install the pipes
as illustrated in the following figure.
Drain hose
1000mm – 1500mm
connecting port
Metal clamp
slope 1/100
0 – 75mm
1000mm – 1500mm
0 – 530mm
Pass the drain hose through the wall hole. Make sure the water
drains to a safe location where it will not cause water damage or
a slipping hazard.
NOTE: The drainpipe outlet should be at least 5cm above the
ground. If it touches the ground, the unit may become blocked
and malfunction. If you discharge the water directly into a sewer,
make sure that the drain has a U or S pipe to catch odours that
might otherwise come back into the house.