K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K45 User’s Manual – Rev B.0
Page 30
5:CWR Gain - Set CWR Gain Level
6:CWR Filt - Set CWR Noise Filter Level
7:CWR Thrsh - Set CWR Threshold
8:CWR Spacing – Set Spacing Adjustment
These are settings that can improve the quality of the CWR decode. They are discussed in detail in the K45
CWR Adjustments section on page 33.
Configuration Menu #5
Figure 30 – Configuration Menu #5
1:BackLt - Set the LCD Backlight Intensity
The brightness of the LCD backlight can be adjusted from 10% to 99% with 99% being the brightest.
2:Contrst - Set the LCD Contrast Level
Adjusting the contrast will tune display appearance to compensate for individual display differences.
3:Volts - Show Logic Supply Voltage
For diagnostic purposes, the K45’s main logic supply voltage can be displayed. For proper operation, this
voltage should be 3.3V plus or minus 5%.
4:CW Prac - Practice Launcher
CW Practice can be started from the Configuration Menu #5. This allows Practice to be started when no
keyboard is attached to the K45. Move the cursor to this entry and simply press the encoder. The practice
menu will be displayed, and all options can be set using the encoder. When everything is ready, press the
encoder until the Practice Menu disappears and a practice session will start.
5:Serial # - Set Serial Number
For contesting, the ability to send and keep track of a serial number is indispensable. This command allows
you to preset the serial number to any 5-digit number from 00001 to 99999. Any non-numeric value entered
will be ignored. Once the serial number is set you can increment, decrement, and send the serial number
using buffered commands
respectively. Left/Right arrows also increment/decrement the value.
6:ShowRevs - Display Firmware Revisions
For informational purposes all the system firmware revisions are displayed:
CA2 LC W312 PB0 (
Console A2, LCD C, WinKeyer 3.12, PSoC B0)
7:Word Wrap - Set Word Wrap On/Off
When word wrap is on, new lines will be carried over on word instead of letter boundaries.
8:WinKeyer - WinKeyer Mode Launcher
WinKeyer Host Mode can be started when a keyboard is not attached. Just move the cursor to this entry and
press the encoder. The WinKeyer menu will be displayed and the K45 can then be connected to a host PC.
To exit WinKeyer mode, simply press the encoder.
The WinKeyer launcher will abort if no host is attached. This prevents a hang condition if the user tries to
connect to a host that isn’t there. For more information about WinKeyer Mode, refer to the
command in page 7.