K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K45 User’s Manual – Rev B.0
Page 21
Using a Straight Key with the K45
The K45 can be set up to work with a straight key. Wire the key to an 1/8” stereo plug as shown below. You
must use a stereo connector and the ring must be left unconnected. Once the cable is ready, plug it into the
K45 paddle input jack and then select
key mode in Configuration Menu #2:KeyrType.
Figure 19 – Straight Key Input Connections
Unlike the K44 and other CW keyboards, the K45 fully supports straight key input for all modes. The user
can run Echo and QSO practice from a straight key as well as normal on air transmit. Straight key input will
be displayed in the transmit window just like paddle input would be. Neither straight nor iambic input will be
shown in the Fast Tx View window since that is reserved for type ahead and messages. It’s not possible to
buffer anything while entering letters on a paddle so viewing the transmit window is all that is needed.
When text is entered on a straight key, the status line TX WPM readout will be updated with the user’s
straight key speed. This temporarily changes the transmit speed for keyboard entry as well so that if
someone changes over from straight key to keyboard, the speed will be appropriate. If the user decides to
go back to the default WPM, click the encoder back and forth once, and the keyboard speed will be restored.
PTT Operation
The K45 provides a separate output that is enabled whenever CW transmission takes place. This output is
called PTT which is a misnomer since it has nothing to do with Push to Talk. In most cases the K45 PTT
output is used to pre-key a linear amplifier or antenna switch. In those cases, it’s desirable to assert PTT in
advance of keying (Lead In), hold throughout the keying interval, and then deassert it after keying is
complete (Tail). Some amount of Tail Time must be set for Lead-In to work. If Tail Time is set to zero, then
the lead in delay will activate between every letter. If Tail delay is set to bridge the gap between successive
letters, then Lead In will work properly. These delays are customized depending on an individual station
requirement to prevent arcing and protect receiver and transmitter inputs and outputs. The PTT output is
only available for Port 1 when PTT is enabled. A special PTT delay called Hang is similar to tail but only is
used for paddle sending. All of these delays are set in the configuration menus #1 and #2.
SineTone Board Option
K1EL will offer an accessory board for the K45 that consists of a sine wave oscillator driving an audio
amplifier. The board is mounted on the back panel and requires an 1/8” hole be drilled in the back panel to
mount an 1/8” audio output jack. The ST board provides enough volume to drive a pair of headphones or a
small speaker. After the board is installed, the interface is enabled in Config menu #4:STboard. When
enabled, sidetone volume and pitch are adjusted in Config menu #3 or by turning the encoder with either the
CTL held for pitch or ALT held for volume. Updated settings are flashed on the status line. When the
STboard is enabled, the K45’s internal speaker is automatically disabled.The STboard can be purchased
from the K1EL K45 website in April 2023.