K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev B.0
Page 20
Miscellaneous Information
CTL-ALT-Enter Clear EEPROM and Restart
This causes a Master Reset of the K45, clearing EEPROM, and reloading factory settings. Be careful when
using this because it will erase all your Messages, Cuts, and Key mappings. Factory settings are:
Speed = 15 WPM
Autospace Off
Paddle Mode = Iambic B
PTT Delays = 0
CWR Gain = 5
CWR Filter = 6
CWR Threshold = 5
CWR Spacing 0
RTTY = Off, CWR = On
Extension = 0
KeyComp/Weighting normal
Dit/Dah Ratio = (1:3)
PaddleSample = 50(1 dit)
Keying Output = Key1
Sidetone = 800Hz
Paddle Hang = 0
Letterspace = 0
Word Space = 7 dits
Serial Number = 0001
Sleep time = Off
Paddle Watchdog = On
Progress messages are displayed as different sections of EEPROM are initialized for each user, there is
only one keyboard mapping table shared by both users, so map is only displayed for User1:
Preserving Settings
Configuration changes are stored in EEPROM so that they are preserved when power is shut off.
This causes a power on reset of the K45. The current mode is cleared, and all settings are reloaded from
EEPROM. This is equivalent to power cycling the K45.
Paddle Watchdog
The K45 has a built-in output disable that is activated if more than 128 dits or dahs are sent consecutively.
This prevents unattended keying. The output is disabled after 128 consecutive events, but the sidetone
continues to sound allowing you to detect the condition (sidetone needs to be enabled). Paddle watchdog
can be disabled in Configuration Menu #3:PDLwatch.
Running the K45 without a keyboard
The K45 can be operated without a keyboard. It will automatically select the receive window since a transmit
window is not required in paddle entry mode. A quick press of the encoder brings up the message launch
menu (see page 6).
To make configuration changes, press and hold the encoder button down until the configuration menu
appears. Turn the encoder to select a configuration setting and then press the encoder to select that item for
editing. Next, turn the encoder to make changes and then press the encoder button to save the new setting.
To exit configuration editing, press and hold the encoder button just until the menu clears. If the encoder is
held too long it will put the K45 into low power sleep mode.
Practice and WinKeyer modes are selected from the configuration menu. Practice can be set up using the
encoder and operated with the paddles. To leave Practice, press the encoder pushbutton and this will take
you back to the normal K45 operational screen. Neither paddle nor keyboard is required for WinKeyer mode.
Just select it from the menu and exit WinKeyer Mode by pressing the encoder.