K1EL K45 CW Keyboard and Reader Manual K45B
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev B.0
Page 15
Morse Practice Module
The K45 has three practice modes that are very effective in helping a user improve their Morse skills.
Practice Menu
followed by
to open the practice menu which is the starting point for all three practice modes.
There are six options that configure practice operation. Navigate with the up and down arrows and change
entries with the left and right arrows.
===Practice Setup===
Rcv Mode Level 1
15 WPM TxOut On
Show CW Tone On
Figure 10 – Practice Setup Menu
1) Practice mode selection – There are three modes:
Rcv Mode
repeatedly sends random 5 letter groups
Echo Mode
sends groups of letters which the user echoes back to the K45 by paddle or keyboard
QSO Mode
which is a very basic, on air, QSO exchange simulator with a contest option
2) Set initial Practice operating speed in WPM. After starting a session, speed can be adjusted either
by the rotary control or up and down arrows.
3) Show/Hide CW – Text sent during a practice session can be displayed if desired. When first
learning Morse, it can be helpful to see letters as they are transmitted. As the user improves, it is
more helpful to hide them. Even if the output display is turned off the user can override this by
pressing the TAB key to view the transmit window.
4) Level – There are five levels of difficulty in Rcv and Echo mode starting with the easiest letters such
as E T A N and proceeding up to the full range of letters, numbers, and letters. The levels are
shown in Table 2. Keyboard reply in Echo mode will be
, and
When QSO practice is selected, this option changes to Contest Mode On/Off.
5) TX Out (On/Off) – Transmit output can be disabled during a practice session. This is a good idea to
prevent broadcasting if the K45 is connected to a transmitter. Alternatively, the user may want to
enable transmit for the purpose of keying an external code practice oscillator (see item 6).
6) Tone On/Off – This controls the K45’s internal sidetone speaker which should be turned off when
using an external code practice oscillator.
Rx and Echo Practice Levels
Level 1: E T A N I M
Level 2: W S G D U K O R (including level 1)
Level 3: C Q P J F B V Y H X Z L (including level 1 & 2)
Level 4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (including level 1 & 2 & 3)
Level 5: ? / , . AR SK BT AS (including level 1 & 2 & 3 & 4)
Table 2 – Practice Levels
The K45 will remember the last entered practice settings and will reload them when re-starting.
After everything is set up, the next step is to press
and the practice session will start. While
underway, the user can change the WPM speed with the Up/Down arrow keys or by turning the encoder.
key will pause practice and the
key (or PB press) will end practice. In modes where the
user is entering text by paddle, the reserved code di-dah-di-di-dit (
) is pause . To review a session, press
to pause and then use the
keys to scroll the lines of text. Press
and the display will automatically go back to where the session left off and practice will resume.