Tronic transformers
1500 W
Inductive transformers
1000 VA
Fluorescent lamps, uncompensated
1200 VA
Fluorescent lamps, parallel compensated
920 VA
Switching current per output (ohmic)
10 A
Minimum switching current AC
100 mA
Contact type
µ contact
single stranded
1.0 ... 2.5 mm²
Dimensions Ø×H
53×28 mm
Carrier frequency
433.42 MHz (ASK)
teachable radio transmitters per output
max. 7
6.2 Troubleshooting
Device does not respond, or only sometimes.
Cause 1: battery in the radio transmitter is empty.
Change the battery in the radio transmitter.
Cause 2: Radio range exceeded. Structural obstacles reduce the range.
Check the installation situation.
Check routing of antenna. Laying the antenna stretched out increases the range.
Using a radio repeater.
The device switches the load off and cannot be switched on again.
Cause: overheating protection has tripped.
Disconnect device from mains, also switch associated off circuit breakers.
Let device cool down for at least 15 minutes.
Check the installation situation.
Reduce the connected load.
Switch circuit breakers on again.
6.3 Warranty
We reserve the right to make technical and formal changes to the product in the interest of
technical progress.
We provide a warranty as provided for by law.
Please send the unit postage-free with a description of the defect to our central customer
service office.
Volmestraße 1
58579 Schalksmühle
Telefon: +49.23 55.8 06-0
Telefax: +49.23 55.8 06-2 04
[email protected]
Service Center
Kupferstr. 17-19
44532 Lünen
Radio Management
Radio actuator, 2-channel, flush-mounted