background image



•  Set the required mowing height by opening the panel and turning 

the large knob. When setting the first mowing height always select a 
high mowing height and then gradually reduce. 

•  If the grass is higher than 60 mm it must first be cut down to 60 mm 

with a normal lawn mower or trimmer, otherwise the robotic lawn 
mower will be overloaded. 

     FIG.      29


 flashes when the robotic lawn mower is in the charging station. The 

battery symbol 

 is shown to indicate the battery’s 

charging status.

By pressing STOP on the mower and then Home on the keypad the 
robotic lawn mower goes to be charging station regardless off the 
residual battery charge.


•  If the robotic lawn mower is not going to be mowing for some time, 

but the battery is to remain fully charged, the mower can be locked 
and put in the charging station.

•  Press   on the touch screen to lock the robotic lawn mower. The 






 are also locked.


  on the touch screen indicates that the robotic lawn mower is locked.



The touch screen unlocks and the panel opens by pressing the STOP button.


Lock the touch screen before cleaning.

The touch screen locks automatically when the 


 button is pressed, 

and the panel opens. Press   symbol on the touch screen to unlock the 
robotic lawn mower. The PIN code is not needed. 

Changing the PIN code

Change the PIN code when the robotic lawn mower is in ON mode.

Press the 


 button. The panel over the keypad opens. Press 


hold, press 

 and hold and press 



     FIG.      30

The three buttons must be pressed in the given order, and held pressed.

When all three buttons are pressed the display image for entering the PIN 
code is shown.

Enter the old PIN code.

Enter the new PIN code.

Enter the new PIN code again. If the repeated PIN is the 
same as the new PIN code the new PIN will be accepted. 
Enter the new PIN code to unlock the touch screen.

Error messages

If the robotic lawn mower stops inside or outside the mowing area, press 


 button and check on the display which symbols are flashing.

No signal.

The robotic lawn mower is uplifted.

The battery is flat.

If none of these three symbols are shown, press 

 and hold and then 


 to show the error code:

The digits on the left show the time the fault occurred. The digits on the 
right in the dotted frame indicate the error code.

Rain sensor

•  The robotic lawn mower has a rain sensor to prevent mowing in the rain. 

     FIG.      31

•  When the rain sensor detect rain the robotic lawn mower goes to the 

charging station. After being charged the robotic lawn mower stays in 
the charging station for 2 hours before it starts mowing again.

Do not short circuit the terminals on the rain sensor with a metal 
implement, this will prevent the sensors from working.

•  Enable or disable the rain sensor by pressing 

 and then pressing 


 to switch between F1:1 and F1:0. 

Shows that the rain sensor is enabled.

Shows that the rain sensor is disabled.

Charging information

The robotic lawn mower follows the border wire automatically in the 
following situations.
1.   When  the 


 button is pressed and the panel over the keyboard is 

closed the robotic lawn mower goes to the charging station and 


is shown continuously on the display. When the robotic lawn mower 
is in the charging station 


2.   When the set mowing time is over 

 is shown continuously and 

the robotic lawn mower goes to the charging station.

3.   When the robotic lawn mower is fully charged and standing in the 

charging station 


 are shown continuously.


If for some reason the robotic lawn mower cannot go to the 
charging station it will go back to the mowing area, localise the 
border wire and try again.


If the ambient temperature at the charging station is higher than 
40°C the charging will be stopped to protect the battery. The 
charging will resume when the temperature drops.

Summary of Contents for Meec tools 001-115

Page 1: ...sningen noggrant innan anv ndning Spara den f r framtida behov ROBOTGR SKLIPPARE SE EN ROBOT LAWN MOWER Operating instructions Translation of the original instructions Important Read the user instruct...

Page 2: ...e by zagro eniem dla rodowiska i dla zdrowia Produkt nale y odda do odpowiedniego punktu sk adowania lub przynie go do jednego ze sklep w gdzie przy zakupie nowego sprz tu bezp atnie przyjmiemy stary...

Page 3: ...s type Uppm tt ljudeffektniv p en utrustning som r representativ f r denna typ M lt lydeffektniv for utstyr som er representativt for vedkommende type zmierzony poziom mocy akustycznej urz dzenia repr...

Page 4: ...1 2...

Page 5: ...3 4 5...

Page 6: ...6 7...

Page 7: ...8 9...

Page 8: ...10 11...

Page 9: ...12 13...

Page 10: ...14 15...

Page 11: ...16 17 18 19...

Page 12: ...20 21 22...

Page 13: ...23 24 25...

Page 14: ...2 h 3 h 5 h 5 h 7 h 8 h 10 h Natt 24 h 09 00 11 00 11 00 14 00 14 00 19 00 19 00 09 00 26 27 28...

Page 15: ...30 31 29...

Page 16: ...32 33 34...

Page 17: ...ts Uttj nta batterier ska avfallshanteras i enlighet med g llande regler S KERHETSANVISNINGAR Om inte alla anvisningar och s kerhetsanvisningar f ljs finns risk f r elolycksfall brand och eller allvar...

Page 18: ...ipparen VARNING L s bruksanvisningen innan anv ndning VARNING H ll s kerhetsavst nd till apparaten VARNING Roterande delar risk f r sk rskada H ll h nder och f tter borta fr n r rliga delar Placera al...

Page 19: ...iknande Verktyg som beh vs f r installation av gr nsledningen r hammare och avbitart ng eller sax Begr nsningar Om robotgr sklipparen k r p ett h rt fast hinder h gre n 100 mm som v gg staket tr dg rd...

Page 20: ...Gr nsledningen m ste l pa rakt minst 2 meter framf r laddningsstationen s att robotgr sklipparen kan f lja den in i laddningsstationen utan problem Det ska finnas 1 meter plan markyta bredvid laddning...

Page 21: ...att sladden fortfarande r cker fram till n tuttaget Kontrollera att gr nsledningen l per rakt minst 2 m framf r laddningsstationen och att verskjutande gr nsledning r instucken och skyddad under laddn...

Page 22: ...yrka Gr nsledningen avger en signal som blir starkare ju n rmare gr nsledningen som robotgr sklipparen befinner sig Stark signal Robotgr sklipparen fungerar normalt Svag signal Robotgr sklipparen fung...

Page 23: ...en Den valda veckodagen visas med ram p displayen En veckodag visas med ram p displayen f r att ange att robotgr sklipparen r programmerad att klippa denna veckodag 2 Tryck p nskat tidsintervall 09 00...

Page 24: f re reng ring Peksk rmen l ses automatiskt n r STOP trycks in och luckan ppnas Tryck p symbolen p peksk rmen f r att l sa upp peksk rmen PIN koden beh ver inte anges Byta PIN kod OBS Byt PIN kode...

Page 25: ...t 2 r beroende p anv ndningsf rh llanden Batteriet r l tt att ta ur robotgr sklipparen Fulladda batteriet ta ut det och f rvara det inomhus under vintern Batteriet b r underh llsladdas var 3 e m nad f...

Page 26: ...tterilocket BILD 34 F rberedelse f r drifts song F re drifts ttning efter vinterf rvaring ska robotgr sklipparens laddningsbleck och stiften p laddningsstationen reng ras med st lborste eller fint sli...

Page 27: ...tan Blinkar Varningsmeddelande Robotgr sklipparen r upplyft Kontrollera om robotgr sklipparen lyfts upp av f r l ngt gr s l ngre n 60 mm Klipp i s fall gr set med en vanlig gr sklippare innan robotgr...

Page 28: ...utanf r gr nsledningen Om displayen visar OUTSIDE trots att robotgr sklipparen befinner sig inne i klippomr det kontrollera att gr nsledningen r korrekt ansluten till laddningsstationen Om robotgr sk...

Page 29: ...29 Snabbknappar Kombination av snabbknappar Funktion Visa programvaruversion Aktiv PIN kod Aktiv PUK kod Visa klockslag f r fel samt felkod Visa produktens serienummer Aktivera och avaktivera regnsens...

Page 30: ...apparatet eller ladestasjonen verken ved oppbevaring eller bruk Hvis hovedstr mbryteren er skadet eller ute av funksjon m den aldri forbikobles og apparatet skal ikke brukes SIKKERHETSANVISNINGER Hvi...

Page 31: ...e deler fare for kuttskader Hold hender og f tter borte fra bevegelige deler Ikke plasser hender eller f tter n r eller under apparatet mens det er i bruk ADVARSEL Ikke sitt p apparatet ADVARSEL Kontr...

Page 32: ...hinder som er h yere enn 100 mm som vegg gjerde hagem bler osv reagerer kollisjonssensorene umiddelbart Robotgressklipperen stopper rygger snur og klipper i en annen retning Vi anbefaler likevel at hi...

Page 33: ...sjonen m plasseres p et jevnt underlag p sikker avstand fra hindringer dammer fordypninger eller lignende Plassering av ladestasjonen Ladestasjonen m ikke plasseres oppe p en h yde eller nede i en for...

Page 34: tt kontinuerlig Hvis indikatorlampen ikke lyser m du sjekke str mtilkoblingen Hvis indikatorlampen lyser men ikke med kontinuerlig bl tt lys se feils kingstabellen nedenfor BILDE 20 Feils king indi...

Page 35: er utenfor klippeomr det Robotgressklipperen slutter klippe Statusindikator for l ftet opp Blinker Vises n r robotgressklipperen l ftes opp Hvis robotgressklipperen blir kortvarig l ftet 1 sekund...

Page 36: ...h ndsinnstilte tidsintervallene Tabellen viser hvor mange klippetimer per d gn de ulike innstillingene gir BILDE 26 Klippeareal Anbefalt klippetid d gn 300 m 2 t 600 m 5 t 800 m 8 t Innstilling av gre...

Page 37: ...egn BILDE 31 N r regnsensoren oppdager regn g r robotgressklipperen til ladestasjonen der den lades Etter avsluttet lading blir robotgressklipperen v rende i ladestasjonen i ytterligere 2 timer f r de...

Page 38: ...robotgressklipperen med hovedstr mbryteren f r rengj ring Bruk beskyttelseshansker ved kontakt med kniver og knivskive Tre kniver er montert p knivskiven Hvis knivene ikke sl r mot noen hindringer kan...

Page 39: ...dningen kan ligge ute over vinteren men beskytt endene med vanntett teip fett eller lignende for forebygge korrosjon 9 Etter rengj ring og lading skal robotgressklipperen helst oppbevares st ende p hj...

Page 40: ...en er l ftet opp Kontroller om robotgressklipperen l ftes opp av for h yt gress h yere enn 60 mm Klipp i s fall gresset med en vanlig gressklipper f r robotgressklipperen startes igjen Kontroller at r...

Page 41: ...edningen Hvis displayet viser OUTSIDE til tross for at robotgressklipperen befinner seg inne i klippeomr det m du kontrollere at grenseledningen er korrekt tilkoblet ladestasjonen Hvis robotgressklipp...

Page 42: ...2 Hurtigknapper Kombinasjon av hurtigknapper Funksjon Vis programvareversjon Aktiv PIN kode Aktiv PUK kode Vis klokkeslett for feil samt feilkode Vis produktets serienummer Aktiver og deaktiver regnse...

Page 43: ...gnij ewentualny kluczyk Zu yte akumulatory nale y odda do utylizacji zgodnie z obowi zuj cymi przepisami ZASADY BEZPIECZE STWA Nieprzestrzeganie wszystkich zalece i zasad bezpiecze stwa grozi pora eni...

Page 44: ...chowuj bezpieczn odleg o od urz dzenia OSTRZE ENIE Obracaj ce si cz ci ryzyko przeci cia Trzymaj d onie i stopy z dala od ruchomych cz ci urz dzenia Nigdy nie wk adaj r k ani st p w pobli u urz dzenia...

Page 45: ...nego s m otek szczypce tn ce boczne lub no yce Ograniczenia Je li kosiarka automatyczna najedzie na tward sta przeszkod wy sz ni 100 mm tak jak ciana p ot meble ogrodowe itp natychmiast zareaguj czujn...

Page 46: ...dnym miejscu UWAGA Stacj aduj c umie na p askim pod o u w bezpiecznej odleg o ci od przeszk d oczek wodnych do w itp Po o enie stacji aduj cej Stacji aduj cej nie mo na umieszcza na wzniesieniu ani w...

Page 47: wieci na niebiesko w trybie wiat a sta ego Je eli lampka kontrolna nie wieci sprawd zasilanie Je eli lampka kontrolna wieci ale nie w trybie wiat a sta ego zob poni sz tabel wykrywania usterek RYS...

Page 48: ...a automatyczna dzia a prawid owo Miga Brak sygna u Kosiarka automatyczna zako czy a koszenie Miga Kosiarka automatyczna znajduje si poza obszarem koszenia Kosiarka automatyczna zako czy a koszenie Wsk...

Page 49: ...14 00 14 00 19 00 19 00 09 00 na ekranie dotykowym Wybrany przedzia czasowy wy wietlany jest w ramce na wy wietlaczu co oznacza e kosiarka automatyczna jest zaprogramowana na koszenie w tym przedziale...

Page 50: ...lawiatury zostanie otwarta Wci nij i przytrzymaj przycisk wci ni ty wci nij i przytrzymaj przycisk wci ni ty oraz naci nij SET RYS 30 UWAGA Wci nij te trzy przyciski w podanej kolejno ci i przytrzymaj...

Page 51: je li jej ko a utrzymane s w czysto ci a no e kosz lepiej je li s czyste i naostrzone Zawsze przed czyszczeniem wy czaj kosiark automatyczn prze cznikiem g wnym a dotykaj c no y u ywaj r kawic ochr...

Page 52: ...y adowania Przechowywanie zim Kosiark automatyczn i stacj aduj c nale y przechowywa w suchym i os oni tym miejscu kiedy nie s u ywane Zasilacz i akumulator nale y przechowywa wewn trz pomieszcze Przyg...

Page 53: ...rka automatyczna nie jest zablokowana Miga Komunikat ostrzegawczy Urz dzenie nie odbiera sygna u z przewodu granicznego Sprawd czy lampka kontrolna stacji aduj cej wieci na niebieski Je eli lampka kon...

Page 54: ...znajduje si poza obszarem koszenia podnie j i uruchom ponownie Je li kosiarka automatyczna znajduje si w rogu poza obszarem koszenia przenie przew d graniczny tak aby r g by bardziej zaokr glony Je l...

Page 55: ...ze skr tu Kombinacja klawiszy skr tu Dzia anie Poka wersj oprogramowania Aktywny kod PIN Aktywny kod PUK Wskazuje godzin usterki i kod usterki Wskazuje numer seryjny produktu W czanie i wy czanie czuj...

Page 56: ...atteries in accordance with local regulations SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Failure to follow all the instructions and safety instructions can result in the risk of electric shock fire and or serious personal i...

Page 57: ...instructions before use WARNING Keep at a safe distance from the appliance WARNING Rotating parts risk of cut injuries Keep your hands and feet away from moving parts Never put your hands or feet near...

Page 58: ...ations If the robotic lawn mower runs into a hard solid obstacle higher than 100 mm such as a wall fence garden furniture etc the collision sensors react immediately The robotic lawn mower stops rever...

Page 59: ...charging station must be placed on a level surface at a safe distance from obstacles ponds and dips etc Positioning the charging station The charging station must not be placed up on an elevation or d...

Page 60: ...the mains adapter cord to the charging station Now plug the plug into the power point The status lamp should first flash blue and then go a steady blue If the status lamp does not go on check the powe...

Page 61: ...s working normally Flashing No signal The robotic lawn mower has stopped mowing Flashing The robotic lawn mower is outside the mowing area The robotic lawn mower has stopped mowing Status indication f...

Page 62: ...lay to indicate that the robotic lawn mower is programmed to mow during this time interval FIG 25 3 From the factory the robotic lawn mower is programmed to mow 24 hours per day every day of the week...

Page 63: ...ccepted Enter the new PIN code to unlock the touch screen Error messages If the robotic lawn mower stops inside or outside the mowing area press the STOP button and check on the display which symbols...

Page 64: safety gloves when touching the blades and blade plate Place the robotic lawn mower on its side and clean the blade plate and chassis with a soft brush or damp cloth Turn the blade plate to check t...

Page 65: ...Fully charge the battery 3 Make sure the robotic lawn mower is switched off 4 Disconnect the mains adapter from the mains 5 Disconnect the mains adapter from the charging station 6 Disconnect the bord...

Page 66: ...g message The robotic lawn mower is uplifted Check whether the robotic lawn mower is uplifted because of long grass longer than 60 mm If so mow the grass with a normal lawn mower before starting the r...

Page 67: ...tic lawn mower is or has been outside the border wire If the display shows OUTSIDE even though the robotic lawn mower is inside the mowing area check that the border wire is correctly connected to the...

Page 68: ...N 68 Hot keys Combination of hot keys Function Show software version Active PIN code Active PUK code Show time of fault and error code Show product serial number Activating and deactivating rain senso...
