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(8) Communication screens of the maintenance personnel level (Program rewrite)
The data types allowed to be handled in the communication screens can differ according to the ordinarily used
levels and the specific levels that are used by the maintenance personnel.
1. Types of data that can be handled
In addition to the four ordinary data types, the five more data types can be used for the maintenance personnel
level. Each data type is as specified below.
Data name
Contents of data
Adjustment data
Model name +00XXX.MSW
Data of the memory switches 1 and 2
Example) AMS00001.MSW
All sewing machine data
Model name +00XXX.MSP
All data maintained by the sewing machine
Example) AMS00001.MSP
Panel program data
AP + RVL (6 digits).HED Program data and display data of the panel
AP + RVL (6 digits).PXX
AM + RVL (6 digits).IXX
Main program data
MA + RVL (6 digits).PRG
Main program data
Servo program data
MT + RVL (6 digits).PRG
Servo program data
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