1. When the transmitter’s LED stays on but the drone’s LED blinks slowly, it is an indication
that the synchronization has not been successful. Turn the transmitter and drone off and
perform the “start-up” again from the beginning.
2. If when you start flying, the drone does not maintain stability, land, turn off the transmitter
and the drone and synchronize again paying close attention to the drone being placed on a
flat, horizontal surface to the floor.
3. When the drone’s LED slowly blinks, it means that the battery is running low. Land and put
the drone’s battery to charge with the USB charger provided.
When you synchronize your VR HD Nano Drone, make
sure it is on a flat and horizontal surface, so the flight is
1. Turn on VR HD Nano Drone
Turn drone over, and move switch, it will be found
under it towards the right (position “ON”).
3. Raise power level to the max, then, lower it to the lowest
The transmitter will issue a prolonged beep which is the
signal that transmitter and drone are synchronized.
2. Turn on transmitter by pressing the on/off button. The
transmitter will beep 3 times and the red LED will come on
and keep blinking.
4. Push both levers simultaneously and diagonally outward
and downward, as shown in the image. The drone
unlocks, and the motors will be launched. Just push the
left lever up, so the drone rises. Since it has
altitude control
, the VR HD Nano Drone will maintain
the position when the lever is released.