Product Information
Product Information
Intended purpose
This Softener is suitable for use in cold
drinking water up to a maximum water tem-
perature of 30°C (86°F).
(see chapter on “Safety information and
dangers due to non-compliance”)
Please refer to the chapter on “Intended
Use” for use restrictions.
This Softener is used to protect the water
pipes and hot water heater against limes-
cale deposits.
Partly softened water protects appliances
and fittings and reduces consumption of de-
tergents and cleaning agents.
Test marks
The units conform to the technical regula-
tions for drinking water installations in ac-
cordance with DIN 1988. They are tested by
the DVGW (Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas-
und Wasserfaches e.V. technical –scientific
association for the gas and water industries)
in accordance with the requirements of DIN
19636 pressure class PN10 for Softeners
(cation exchangers) in drinking water instal-
lations and are entitled to bear the DIN-
DVGW mark and DVGW-GS mark (see Fig.
Materials used
The materials used are resistant to the phys-
ical, chemical and corrosive loads to be ex-
pected in the drinking water and fulfil the re-
quirements specified in DIN 19636 (“Soften-
ers (Cation Exchangers) in Drinking Water
Installations”). All materials are hygienically
and physiologically safe. Plastics (KTW rec-
ommendations) and metallic materials fulfil
the requirements of the BgVV (German Fed-
eral Institute for Consumer Health Protec-
tion and Veterinary Medicine).
Limescale deposits inhibit water
flow and can therefore result in in-
creased energy consumption.
DVGW-GS mark
Fig. 3:
Test marks