Quiries, orders, customer support
JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
P.O. Box 380
D-71351 Winnenden
Phone: +49 (0)7195/6 92-0
Telefax: +49 (0)7195/6 92-188
internet: http://www.judo-online.de
e-mail: [email protected]
JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Hohreuschstrasse 39-41
D-71364 Winnenden
Trademarks used in this document are protected
and registered trademarks of the respective hold-
© JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
D-71351 Winnenden
All rights reserved.
Reprints – even of extracts – is only permitted
with special approval.
Dear Customer,
We would like to thank you for your con-
fidence in us, which you have shown by
purchasing this device. The product you
have purchased is a filter developed us-
ing state of the art technology.
This filter is suitable for use in cold drink-
ing water up to a maximum ambient tem-
perature of 30°C (86°F).
It removes coarse and fine-grained parti-
cles larger or equal in size to the filter
screen (strainer) mesh from the filter
through screen filtration.
Particles smaller than the screen mesh
size used, turbidities (i.e. substances
that make the water turbid) and sub-
stances dissolved in the water cannot be
filtered out of the water.
Each unit is thoroughly checked before
delivery. Should difficulties nevertheless
occur, please contact the responsible
customer service. See back page.