This improvement allows you to take into consideration individual electric conductivity in
testing which allows to obtain
more precise parameters from the BAPs and requires no wetting of electrode prior to testing the point. The scale of the
current under measurement and severity of pathological condition corresponds to Foil's scale system. The method is
also recommended for testing choosing medicinal, homeopathic preparations as well as biologically active in-gedients
for individual patients. The medicinal testing is based on the remote action phenomenon, i.e. the device records the
responses of the body to remote material objects.
The regime is intended for evaluation of functional condition of internal organs and systems
rather than diagnosis.
The studies can be performed as follows:
- express-evaluation of the functional condition by meridian end points (this will be enough for a preliminary
evaluation when testing at home) (Supplement 1, Figures 1, 2);
- medicinal testing;
- evaluation of the functional condition by the control and other points of
Preparing for the study
Two days prior to the diagnosis procedure, it is recommended that patient avoids tonics.
On the day of the diagnosis, two hours before the procedure, the patient should avoid taking coffee, or tea, or food.
Immediately before the procedure, it is recommended for patient to sit in a comfortable position and relax for about 15
minutes. Prior to the session, remove all devices generating high-frequency electromagnetic fields (cell telephones,
pagers, high-frequency ovens, TV-sets, irons, etc.). The patient will have to remove jewelry, glasses, and a watch.
During the examination, the patient must be seated or reclining comfortably.
the methods of diagnosis by the control and other points of channels are described in detail in the reference to this
topic. These techniques, in their operation with the device, do not differ from the express-evaluation but demand serious
theoretical and practical training of the operator-physician performing the diagnosis and will not be discussed in this
5.7. The BIOREPER regime
Bioreper is a method of functional electropuncture auricular diagnosis (on external ear). The study will be performed
attesting voltage individual for each patient, i.e. with due consideration of individual electric conductivity.
The regime is intended for evaluation of functional condition ofinternai organs and systems
rather than diagnosis. We can discuss conditions when the function is reduced, normal or activated.
Highly significant will be findings for specific organs (existence of points representing concrete organs).
The technique allows us to reveal pathological conditions at "pre-disease" stage, select the optimal treatment proce-
dure and examination, to evaluate functional condition of diseased organs and systems in dynamics, when performing
another testing. Due to low current (lower than 15 uA) in measurement points, no morphological changes occur.
5.8. The Mini AC regime
MiniAC is a method of functional electropuncture diagnosis within the miniacupuncture systems of the hand, scalp,
etc. The study will be performed at voltage levels individual for each patient, i.e. with due consideration of individual
electric conductivity of tissues at a given moment.
The regime is intended for express-evaluation of functional conditions of internal organs and
systems rather than diagnosis.
The technique allows you to evaluate functional condition of diseased organs and systems in dynamics,
when performing another testing.