©2018 Johnson Level & Tool - Rev. 1
either an up or down arrow will appear at the left of both the front
and back LCD displays, and the measurement at the top of the front
and back LCD displays tells the user how far the detector is from
being on grade. A + symbol to the left of the measurement indicates
that the detector is above the zero point, whereas a – symbol
indicates it is below the zero point.
3. Follow the detector’s prompts until the detector is on grade. When it
is on grade, the zero indicator LED will illuminate in green, the
up/down arrow at the left of the LCD display will disappear, and a
thick dash will appear at the left of the front and back LCD displays.
Detecting Rotary Laser Level Signals in Tracking Mode
When the detector is in tracking mode, the rotary laser level will
sweep the laser beam back and forth until it intersects the zero
point of the detector. This mode is most commonly used for layout
work including exterior and interior walls and for aligning posts,
piers and footings.
In order to properly function, your laser and detector must be
operating on the same wireless communication channel, and this
channel should be different than the channel used for other
laser/detector pairs operating nearby.
To Configure the Laser Communication Channel:
1. With the laser powered “on” and tilt mode off (red tilt mode LED not
illuminated), simultaneously press and , and hold until the
red remote control LED begins to flash.
2. The number of flashes corresponds to the channel settling for the
laser. 1 flash indicates channel 1, 2 flashes indicate channel 2, and
so on up to a total of 9 flashes for channel 9. This LED will continue
to flash until the values are stored into memory.
2810i-Color_Manuals 5/2/18 2:16 PM Page 20