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This equipment generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy,
and if not installed and used in accor-
dance with this technical data sheet,
may cause interference to radio com-
munications. This equipment has been
tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A computing device
pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC
Rules, that are designed to provide rea-
sonable protection against such inter-
ference when operated in a commercial
environment. However, operation of
this equipment in a residential area
may cause interference, in which case
the user, at their own expense, will be
required to take whatever measure may
be required to correct the interference.
To ensure proper operation, this
product must be retested by qualified
personnel in accordance with the Care
and Maintenance section after any
modification, repair, or adjustment.
Retesting is required to assure that the
system is operating as intended.
Model RCP-1
Residential Control Panel
A key component of the Residential
Dry Pipe System is The Model RCP-1
The Model RCP-1 Residential Control
Panel is an integrated valve manifold,
air pressure, and electronic control
package for controlling the release of
water into residential dry pipe sprinkler
The Model RCP-1 Panel is intended
for use in one-and two-family dwell-
ings and mobile homes per NFPA 13D
when used with residential sprinklers
that have been Listed for use in dry
pipe residential sprinkler systems.
The Model RCP-1 Panel incorporates
the Listed Model 4004R Household Fire
Warning Unit Subassembly installed
within the Model RCP-1 Panel cabinet.
The Model RCP-1 Panel includes the
following features:
• Pre-wired assembly containing pre-
programmed control panel, sys-
tem performance gauges, and an
enclosed compressor
• Pre-engineered riser design
• Supervised valve system
• High pressure supervision for indi-
cation of a false trip or failure of the
automatic air supply cut-out switch
• Dry contacts for remote connection
(dial-up systems or additional moni-
toring, for example)
• 48-hour battery backup
For detailed information about the
Model RCP-1 Panel, refer to Technical
Data Sheet TFP480.
The Residential Dry Pipe System oper-
ates with RAPID RESPONSE Residen-
tial Sprinklers. These wet and dry-type
residential sprinklers have undergone
rigorous testing to meet UL1626 fire
test criteria, including a 15-second
delay for water delivery as required for
residential sprinklers intended for use
in dry pipe systems.
TYCO CPVC Pipe and Fittings
Another component of the Resi-
dential Dry Pipe System is TYCO
tings. TYCO CPVC products provide the
only complete line of BLAZEMASTER
pipe and fittings in the fire protection
industry and are also UL Listed for use
in dry pipe systems.
Never remove any piping component or
correct or modify any piping deficien-
cies without first de-pressurizing and
draining the system. Failure to do so
may result in equipment damage and/
or personal injury.
SprinkFDT Fluid Delivery
Calculation Software
Water delivery times can be conve-
niently determined prior to actual field
installations using the industry’s only
fluid delivery calculation software, the
TYCO SprinkFDT program.
For more information on this fluid
delivery calculation program, visit
The Model RCP-1 Residential Control
Panel is UL Listed for use in residen-
tial dry pipe systems installed in one-
and two- family dwellings and mobile
homes per NPFA 13D when installed in
accordance with this document.
The Model 4004R Household Fire
Warning Unit Subassembly (Electronic
Control) installed with the Model RCP-1
cabinet is UL and C-UL Listed.
The following sprinklers are UL Listed
for use in residential dry pipe sprinkler
• TY1334: 4.2K Sidewall/Recessed
• TY2234: 4.9K Pendent/Recessed
• TY2234:
K Domed Concealed
• TY2235: 4.9K
Dry-Type Recessed
TYCO CPVC Pipe and Fittings are UL
Listed for use in residential dry pipe
Sprinkler Selection and Piping
To prevent potential freezing of water
in most applications, and in order
to ensure complete draining of the
system after a hydrostatic test, trip
test, or system operation, see Figure 4
for appropriate sprinkler selection and
piping arrangements.
The referenced data sheets provide
complete descriptions of these sprin-
klers, including installation criteria for
wet pipe systems. As a function of their
UL Listing for use in residential dry pipe
systems, the following criteria provides
Water Delivery and Hydraulic Design
criteria as it relates to the sprinkler’s
use in dry pipe systems:
• TY1334: Data Sheet TFP410
• TY2234: Data Sheet TFP400
• TY2234: Data Sheet TFP450
• TY2235: Data Sheet TFP460