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The following design criteria is provided
with respect to residential sprinklers,
sprinkler pipe and fittings, water deliv-
ery, and notification appliances.
Residential Sprinklers
The use of an automatic sprinkler
system does not allow for omission of a
Household Fire Alarm System installed
per NFPA 72.
Sprinklers are to be located and
hydraulically designed per their Listing
for use in dry pipe systems.
See Tables A through D for required
flows and pressures for residential dry
pipe listings. In accordance with NFPA
13D, sprinkler types and/or piping
configurations supplying these sprin-
klers vary depending on factors such
as temperature, type of piping, and
water supply. See Figure 4 for appro-
priate sprinkler selection and piping
CPVC Pipe and Fittings
Corrosion-resistant or internally gal-
vanized pipe must be utilized with the
sprinklers described in this data sheet.
Fittings have been specifically listed
for use in dry systems. Users must be
familiar with and follow listing parame-
ters, such as, maximum 15 psi (1,0 bar)
air pressure when utilizing CPVC prod-
ucts in a dry-type system.
To facilitate draining, piping in areas
subject to freezing shall be pitched in
accordance with NFPA 13D for dry pipe
The TYCO CPVC Sprinkler Head
Adapter Tee (P/N 80259) is to be
used with the dry-type residential
pendent sprinklers in dry pipe system
Refer to the TYCO technical manual
CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products Installa-
tion Instructions & Technical Handbook
Water Delivery
For dry pipe systems, the require-
ments for Dry System Water Delivery
per Section of the 2010 edition
of NFPA 13D applies. Water deliv-
ery to the most remote single sprin-
kler for a residential hazard shall not
exceed 15 seconds. The use of the
TYCO SprinkFDT Fluid Delivery cal-
culation program is recommended to
assure a properly operating system can
be achieved prior to constructing the
actual installation.
Figures 1 and 2 provide a sample sprin-
kler layout and water delivery times that
can be expected for a dry pipe sprin-
kler system.
As an alternative to using a Listed
water delivery calculation program and
method as referenced in NFPA 13D, an
inspector’s test connection providing a
flow equivalent to the smallest orifice
sprinkler may be utilized, wherein the
test orifice is located on the end of
the pipe supplying the most remote
In no case shall the time of water deliv-
ery exceed 15 seconds for the most
remote operating sprinkler.
Hydraulic Design (NFPA 13D)
The minimum required sprinkler flow
rates for systems designed to NFPA
13D (dry systems) are given in Tables
A through F as a function of temper-
ature rating and the maximum allow-
able coverage areas. The sprinkler flow
rate is the minimum required discharge
from each of the total number of design
sprinklers (the two most hydraulically
demanding sprinklers) as specified in
Notification Appliances
NFPA 13D does not require the instal-
lation of a waterflow alarm (notification
appliance device).
Notification appliances can be installed
to indicate release of the Model RCP-1
When installed, notification appli-
ances must be installed in accordance
with the applicable requirements of
NFPA 72. Per the requirements of
NFPA 72, fire warning equipment for
dwelling units shall provide a sound
that is audible in all occupiable dwell-
ing areas.