Copyright 2017
Johnson Controls
All Rights Reserved
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Due to continuous development of our products, the information in this document is subject to
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Other Manufacturers’ Documentation
Johnson Controls does not duplicate documentation of other equipment manufacturers. When
necessary, Johnson Controls provides documentation that supplements that of other manufacturers.
When unpacking your equipment, keep all original manufacturer documentation for future
Technical Support
For factory technical support, Johnson Controls authorized field technicians or authorized dealer
representatives can contact Global Security Solutions Technical Support by phone at
(866) 893-0423 or (414) 524-1214, or by email at
. They
can also call the Field Support Center at (800) 524-1330 or (414) 524-5000 and use options 6, 1, 7.
End users and customers should contact their local Johnson Controls branch or authorized dealer
for any of their support needs (technical support, maintenance contracts, on-site field support,
P2000 Software Service Agreements, Service Partnerships, and so on). Visit
to find your local Johnson Controls office.
For material returns contact the branch if the material was purchased through a Johnson Controls
branch or through the Product Sales Operations Team, if ordered through the Advanced Order
Management System (AOMS) and follow the RMA process; or contact the authorized dealer
representative where the material was purchased directly.
® and Johnson Controls® are trademarks of Johnson Controls. All other company and
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.