RRS Economizer Controller Quick Start Guide
Table 2: Alarm Cause And Response
Controller Response
Outputs Disabled Due to Low Input V
There is between.12.0 and 16.0 volts AC to
the controller C and R pins.
Additional binary output (Y1O, ERV-EXH) is
not permitted (Simplicity Lite will display flash
code 11, compressor operation from Y1 ther-
mostat/ECON input ends)
Outputs Limited Due to Brownout Input V
There is between 16.0 and 19.2 volts AC to
the controller C and R pins
All binary outputs (Y1O, ERV-EXH) are
turned off (Simplicity Lite will display flash
code 11, compressor operation from Y1 ther-
mostat/ECON input ends)
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor Failure
One-time OAT sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the OAT terminal is
currently 0.05 volts DC or less (C to OAT is
or more) / 3.62 volts DC or
more (C to OAT is 207
or less)
Free cooling functions are not permitted;
[Outdoor Temp] indicates “Out of range high”
Return Air Temperature Sensor Failure
One-time RAT sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the RAT terminal is
currently 0.05 volts DC or less (C to RAT is
or more) / 3.62 volts DC or
more (C to RAT is 207
or less)
Dual enthalpy free cooling changeover
reverts to single enthalpy; [Return Temp] indi-
cates “Out of range high”
Supply Air Temperature Sensor Failure
One-time SAT sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the SAT terminal is
currently 0.05 volts DC or less (C to SAT is
or more) / 3.62 volts DC or
more (C to SAT is 207? or less)
Free cooling functions are not permitted;
compressor switching by the supply air tem-
perature input and [Excess SAT Stpt] is not
effective (Y1O output is permitted with low
SAT); [Supply Temp] indicates “Out of range
Econ Controller Calibration Error
Firmware files associated with the DMP out-
put are missing or corrupt (it is likely this
Alarm can be corrected through use of the
Load Firmware process)
Minimum position functions and free cooling
functions are not permitted
Return Air Humidity Sensor Failure
One-time RAH sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the RAH terminal is
currently 0.05 volts DC or less / 10.05 volts
DC or more
Dual enthalpy free cooling changeover
reverts to single enthalpy; [Return Humidity]
indicates “Out of range low” / “Out of range
Outdoor Air Humidity Sensor Failure
One-time OAH sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the OAH terminal is
currently 0.05 volts DC or less / 10.05 volts
DC or more
Dual enthalpy and single enthalpy free cool-
ing changeover reverts to dry bulb; [Outdoor
Humidity] indicates “Out of range low” / “Out
of range high”
Indoor Air Quality Sensor Failure
One-time IAQ sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the IAQ terminal is
currently 0.05 volts DC or less / 10.05 volts
DC or more
Demand ventilation functions are not permit-
ted; [Indoor Quality] indicates “Out of range
low” / “Out of range high”
Low Outdoor Air Temp Cooling Cutout
[Lo Ambient En] has been set to “Yes” (mis-
configured); [Outdoor Temp] is below the [Lo
Ambient Stpt] setting (both [Lo Ambient En]
and [Lo Ambient Stpt] are found in the Details
> Control > Compressor > Setup menu loca-
Y1O output is not permitted (Simplicity Lite
will display flash code 11, compressor opera-
tion from Y1 thermostat/ECON input ends)
Excessive Supply Air Temp Cooling
One-time SAT sensor input presence has
been detected; [Supply Temp] falls to or
below the [Excess SAT Stpt]
Y1O output is not permitted; the [Cmp Min Off
Time] timer begins when Y1O output is
switched off (Simplicity Lite will display flash
code 11, compressor operation from Y1 ther-
mostat/ECON input ends)