Ethernet Port
The Ethernet port, labeled ETHERNET, is an 8-pin RJ-45 network port for connecting the NIE to Ethernet networks.
NIE29 engines can connect to Ethernet networks at 10 or 100 Mbps. Use this port for connecting a Modbus TCP,
M-Bus TCP, or KNX network.
Wiring Rules for Networks and Field Buses
All NIE29 Series models are designed to connect to Ethernet IP networks and support a single SA Bus.
Depending on the model, an NIE29 also supports either an MS/TP field bus trunk, an N2 Bus trunk, or a L
network trunk. All models support two vendor integrations, such as two Modbus, two M-bus, or one of each. Or, if
a KNX integration is required, three KNX IP Gateways are supported for one NIE29. See
for a list of all
supported dual trunk applications. The rules, guidelines, and wiring considerations for each type of network or field
bus application are provided in the tables of this document.
IP Ethernet Network Rules
All NIE29 models are designed to connect to properly configured IP Ethernet networks, including Modbus TCP,
M-Bus TCP, or KNX. Refer to the
N1 Ethernet/IP Network Technical Bulletin (LIT-6360175)
for recommended parts
and part numbers. Observe the IP Ethernet network rules in
The Media Access Control (MAC) address is printed on a label on the NIE housing.
MS/TP Bus Rules
The MS/TP Bus connects Field Equipment Controllers (FECs), VMA1600s, Input/Output Modules (IOMs), TEC
Series thermostats, and third-party MS/TP controllers to NIE296-x models.
NIE296x models support an FC Bus trunk with up to 32 MS/TP devices. Observe the rules in
when designing
and installing the connected FC Bus.
SA Bus Rules
The Sensor/Actuator bus (SAB) connects the
IOMs, NS Series Network Sensors, DIS1710 Local Controller
Display, specified variable frequency drives, and Wireless Commissioning Converter (MS-BTCVT-1) to an NIE.
Observe the rules in
when designing and installing the SA Bus for your application.
N2 Bus Rules
The N2 Bus connects N2 controllers to specified NIE29 models. NIE291x models support a single N2 Bus trunk with
up to 32 N2 devices.
Observe the rules in
when designing and installing the connected N2 Bus.
Modbus RTU Rules
The RS-232 port supports connection of one Modbus RTU (RS-232) device. With the addition of an RS-232/RS-485
converter and connection to the RS-232 port, up to 32 Modbus RTU (RS-485) devices are supported. Observe the
rules in
when designing and installing the connected Modbus RTU Bus.
Network Guidelines
The LON Bus connects up to 32 L
Network controllers to NIE292x models. Observe the rules in
, and
when designing and installing the L
Network trunk.
For more information on L
networks, refer to the
LN-Series Network Communication and Interface
Guide Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011253)
NIE29 Installation Instructions