Table 24: Modbus accessories ordering information
Product code number
IU-9100-8401 (Europe)
RS232-to-RS485 converter, 230 VAC
Order this accessory in AOMS from the European Distribution Center.
IU-9100-8404 (Europe) or
BM485-CIP (North America)
RS232-to-RS485 converter, 24 VAC
For the European market, order this accessory in AOMS from the European Distribution
Center. For the North American market, order this accessory from duTec at
or 1-800-248-1632, specify vendor #290904
Table 25: M-Bus accessories ordering information
Product code number
M-Bus level converter for up to 6 unit loads, 24V AC/DC, RS-232 connection
M-Bus level converter for up to 100 unit loads, 24V AC/DC, RS-232 connection
M-Bus level converter for up to 100 unit loads; 24 VAC/VDC (IP connection)
M-Bus repeater for up to 100 unit loads, 24V AC/DC
M-Bus repeater for up to 100 unit loads; 230 VAC
Optional connection cable SUB-D to RJ-12 for use with SIS-MBUSSCLL-0E
You can order these accessories in AOMS from the European Distribution Center.
Table 26: KNX accessories ordering information
Product code number
KNX IP interface module to connect KNX line through Ethernet to a network engine
KNX IP router to connect KNX line through Ethernet to a network engine, including line
or area coupler functionality
Order these accessories in AOMS from the European Distribution Center.
When you use the GRIPIN01-S-KNX for NAE integration, use a non-secure mode. Set Metasys driver
N=ROUTING MODE and in ETS set "Secure mode" to deactivated.
Table 27: Modbus training tool ordering information
Course number
Course title and description
VGE Tool Software Training (North America)
The VGE tool is required to generate custom Modbus mapping tables.
VGE Tool Software Training (Europe and Asia)
The VGE tool is required to generate custom Modbus mapping tables.
Modbus Integrations require one or more vendor Modbus definition (VMD) tables for specific third-party
equipment. You can purchase tables from your regional System Integration Services (SIS) office, or you can create
the tables with the VMD Generator Express (VGE) tool. To obtain a license, attend the training listed in this table.
Technical specifications
Table 28: NAE55xx-3 (UL 916, Energy Management) and NAE5510-3U (UL 864, Smoke Control) technical
Power requirement
Dedicated nominal 24 VAC, Class 2 power supply (North America), SELV power supply
(Europe), at 50/60 Hz (20 VAC minimum to 30 VAC maximum)
Power consumption
50 VA maximum
Ambient operating conditions 0°C or 32°F to 50°C or 122°F; 10% to 90% RH, 30°C or 86°F maximum dew point
Ambient storage conditions
-40°C or -104°F to 70°C or 158°F; 5% to 95% RH, 30°C or 86°F maximum dew point
NAE55 Installation Guide