The total time to start up the network engine depends on
the size of the database and can take several minutes.
Figure 18: Network Engine with LED designations
System re-boot switch
The System Re-Boot switch (Figure 3) forces a manual
restart of the network engine processor. All data changes
made to the system since the last time the network
engine archived are lost on restart, including alarm, trend,
and audit trail data.
Press the System Re-Boot switch only if
the network engine fails to respond and cannot
be accessed by any user device. Do not press the
System Re-Boot switch unless you have tried other
reasonable means to fix the problem.
Network Engine LEDs designation, normal status, description, and other conditions
Table 10: Network Engine LEDs designation, normal status, description, and other conditions
Descriptions/Other Conditions
POWER (Green)
On Steady
On Steady = Unit is getting power from either the battery or 24 VAC power.
Also see the 24 VAC LED. Off Steady = Unit is shut down.
Flicker = Data is transferring on the Ethernet connection. Ethernet traffic is
general traffic (may not be for the network engine).
Off Steady = No Ethernet traffic, probably indicates a dead Ethernet network
or bad Ethernet connection.
10/LINK (Green)
On Steady
On Steady = Ethernet connection is established at 10 Mbps.
100/1000 LINK (Green/
On Steady
On Steady (Green) = Ethernet connection is established at 100 Mbps.
On Steady (Yellow) = Ethernet connection is established at 1,000 Mbps.
FC A (Green)
On Steady = Controllers are defined to FC A (FC Bus 1 or N2 Trunk 1) in the
network engine, but none are communicating (network engine transmitting
Flicker = Normal communications; FC A port is transmitting and receiving
data. Flickers are generally in sync with data transmission but should not be
used to indicate specific transmission times. Also, the flicker rate for the MS/
TP bus is different from the rate for the N2 Bus.
Off Steady = No field controllers are defined to FC A (FC Bus 1 or N2 Trunk 1)
in the network engine.
FC B (Green)
On Steady = Controllers are defined to FC B (FC Bus 2 or N2 Trunk 2) in the
network engine, but none are communicating. (network engine transmitting
Flicker = Normal communications; FC B port is transmitting and receiving
data. Flickers are generally in sync with data transmission but should not be
used to indicate specific transmission times. Also, the flicker rate for the MS/
TP bus is different from the rate for the N2 Bus.
Off Steady = No field controllers are defined to FC B (FC Bus 2 or N2 Trunk 2)
in the network engine.
Varies (see next
Flicker = Data traffic between network engines. For a network engine that
is not a Site Director, this LED indicates regular heartbeat communications
with the Site Director. For a Site Director network engine, flashes are more
frequent and indicate heartbeat communications from all other network
engines on the site. For a single network engine on a network without an
ADS, there is no flicker.
NAE55 Installation Guide