Refer to the
FX-PC Series Controllers MS/TP Communications Bus Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011670)
more information on field controller device addresses and how to set them on MS/TP buses.
Table 6 describes the valid FC Bus and SA Bus devices addresses for Johnson Controls
communications bus applications.
Table 6: SA/FC bus device address descriptions
Device address
Address description
(Switch 128 Off)
Reserved for FC Bus Supervisory Controller. Not valid for controllers.
1 to 3
(Switch 128 Off)
Reserved for peripheral devices. Not valid for controllers.
4 to 127
(Switch 128 Off)
Valid for MS/TP Master controllers on a
SA Bus or FC Bus.
Setting the EOL switch
Each controller has an End-of-Line (EOL) switch, which, when set to ON (up), sets the FX-PCV
controller as a terminating device on the bus. See Figure 2 for the EOL switch location on the
controller. The default EOL switch position is off (down).
Figure 9: EOL switch positions
To set the EOL switch on an FX-PCV controller:
1. Determine the physical location of the FX-PCV controller on the SA or FC Bus.
2. Determine if the controller must be set as a terminating device on the bus.
The EOL termination rules for SA Buses and FC Buses are different. Refer to the
PC Series Controllers MS/TP Communications Bus Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011670)
for detailed
information regarding EOL termination rules and EOL switch settings on SA and FC Buses.
3. If the controller is a terminating device on the SA Bus or FC Bus, set the EOL switch to ON. If
the controller is not a terminating device on the bus, set the EOL switch to off.
Use the following procedure to commission the FX-PCV controller:
1. Download the control application to the FX-PCV controller using the Controller Configuration
Tool (CCT). Refer to the
Controller Tool Help (LIT-12011147)
2. Commission the VAV Box. Refer to the
Controller Tool Help (LIT-12011147)
3. Balance the airflow on the VAV box. Refer to the
VAV Balancing Tool Technical Bulletin
4. Perform commissioning checkout procedures. Refer to the
Controller Tool Help (LIT-12011147)
FX-PCV Programmable Variable Air Volume Box Controllers Installation Instructions