Refer to the
FX-PC Series Controllers MS/TP Communications Bus Technical
Bulletin (LIT-12011670)
MS/TP Communications Bus for BCPro System Technical Bulletin
for detailed information regarding EOL termination rules and EOL switch
settings on FC buses.
3. If the controller is a terminating device on the FC bus, set the EOL switch to ON. If the
controller is not a terminating device on the bus, set the EOL switch to OFF.
When a controller is connected to power with its EOL switch set to ON, the amber EOL LED on
the controller cover is lit.
When an FX-PCG is connected to power withits EOL switch set to ON, the amber EOL LED on
the controller cover is lit.
Setting the Input and Output jumpers
Binary Output (BO) source power selection jumpers
Risk of Electric Shock.
Disconnect supply power to the FX-PCG before attempting to adjust the Binary Output Source Power
Selection Jumpers. Failure to disconnect the supply power may result in electric shock.
Risque de décharge électrique.
Débrancher l'alimentation de l'controller avant tout réglage du Binary Output Source Power Selection
Jumpers. Le non-respect de cette précaution risque de provoquer une décharge électrique
connect an external power source to a BO when the BO power source
jumper is in the internal power (INT) position. Connecting external power to a BO that sources
internal power can damage the controller and void any warranties.
The BO source power selection jumpers determine whether a BO provides internal power (sourced
from the controller) to the output load (INT position) or requires an external power source (EXT
position) for the output load. Figure 12 shows an example of a controller BOs and the associated
power selection jumpers to the right of the BOs terminal block.
Figure 12: Example binary outputs and the associated source power jumper positions
FX-PCG26 General Purpose Programmable Controller Installation Instructions