Installation instructions
This water heater must be fitted in a
location which will permit the provision
os an approved flue system and ade-
quate ventilation.
A service clearance of 15 cm at the
sides and rear of the unit and 60 cm at
the front of the unit should be allowed
for ease of servicing. Adequate
distance must be allowed between the
top of the unit and any obstruction or
ceiling to allow the flue baffle and
anode to be inspected, cleaned or in the
case of the anode replaced if
The water heater must stand on a level
surface resistant to heat, insulted in
accordance with local bylaws and Buil-
ding Regulations 1985, with sufficient
strength to support the weight of the
unit when full of water.
This water heater must not be installed
in a bathroom, bedroom or in a cup-
board opening on to such rooms. This
water heater must not be installed in
any area where flamable materials are
used or stored.
Insufficient ventilation may give rise to a
risk of fire, explosion or suffocation. If
in doubt consult the national and local
regulations governing the installation of
gas appliances or your British gas
sevice department.
2.1.1 Installation
The installation of this water heater
should be carried out by a suitably
qualified competent person. It is a
criminal offence for unqualified persons
to install gas equipment.
Installation should be carried out in
accordance with all local authority and
Building Regualions, Model Water
Bylaws, bylaws of the local water
supplier, Building Standards (Scotland)
(Consolidation) Regulations and any re-
levant requirements of the Local
Authority, local gas regions and the
following British Standards (current
For domestic applications:
BS 5440 - part 1 and part 2.
BS 5546 - Installation of gas hot water
supplies for domestic
BS 6700 - Specifications for design,
installation and maintenance
of services supplying water
for domestic use within
buildings and their
BS 6798 - Specification for installation
of gas fired hot water
boilers of rated input not
exceeding 60 kW.
BS 6891 - Specification for installation
of low pressure gas
pipework of up to 28 mm in
domestic premises.
For non-domestic applications:
BS 5400 - part 1 and part 2.
BS 6798 - Specification for installation
of low pressure gas
pipework of up to 28 mm in
domestic premises.
CP 342
- Code of practice for
centralised hot water
supply part 2, buildings
other than individual
dwellings and the following
additional Codes of Practice.
- Purging procedures for non-
domestic gas installations.
- Soundness testing
procedures for industrial
and commercial gas
- Flues for commercial and
industrial gas fired boilers
and air heaters.
- Notes on installation of
pipework (excluding 25 mm
and below).
Some chemicals produce vapours
which can cause rapid failure of main-
and pilotburners and storage tanks if
they are drawn into the combustion air