Issue 2.0W 12/12/2012 Church Organ World Sequencer Plus - User Manual Page 4 of 27
1. Introduction
We hope that you enjoy the use of your MIDI sequencer plus. It is compatible with any MIDI device although
it is primarily for use with Johannus and Makin organs.
This manual describes the installation and operation of the MIDI Sequencer Plus and provides information
on how it works with other MIDI devices.
If you are an owner of a Makin organ then you will be aware that some of the information in this manual
is repeated from your Organ User Manual. This is intentional to save you having to refer back to another
manual and for other users to have access to the information
2. Care of your MIDI Sequencer
To get the best out of your MIDI Sequencer please take care by doing the following:
• Keep it in a dry place, well away from any damp areas.
• Clean it with a lint free cloth
• Keep it away from liquids or any chance of accidental spillage.
When in use, place the sequencer on a flat stable surface or use the (optional) wooden stand.
• Switch the MIDI Sequencer off when it is not in use.
Switch the MIDI sequencer off before removing the SD card. (To prevent corruption of open MIDI files.)
• The MIDI sequencer may only be opened by a technician authorised by Johannus Organs. The MIDI
sequencer contains static-sensitive components. The warranty is invalidated if the MIDI sequencer is
opened by a non-authorised person.
• The MIDI Sequencer plus has internal connections to both the MIDI IN- and MIDI OUT-port pins 1
and 3. for future purposes. Please do not apply any kind of phantom power or signals to these pins.
Doing so may damage the Sequencer. If you plan to connect equipment, which sends signals or applies
power to pins 1 and/or 3 (and if that functionality cannot be disabled) please use MIDI cables that only
carries wires 2, 4 and 5.
3. MIDI system
3.1. What is MIDI?
MIDI is the abbreviation for Musical Instruments Digital Interface. With MIDI, musical instruments can be
coupled to each other, to a computer or to another MIDI device. The MIDI specification is produced by the
MIDI Manufacturers Association. Further information can be obtained from their web site www.midi.org.
The MIDI standard is partly based on hardware. In addition, it is a description of the way in which music
and sound are translated into a digital format which can be communicated to other devices equipped with