Issue 2.0W 12/12/2012 Church Organ World Sequencer Plus - User Manual Page 24 of 27
15.3.2. System Exclusive Messages for Church Organ World instruments
The SysEx messages all have the same format. The first 7 bytes and the last byte are always the
same. Only the value of the 8th byte changes. The message format is:
F0 00 4A 4F 48 41 53 xx F7 where xx is the changeable byte
For all stops off, xx has the value 7F (General Cancel)
15.3.3. Sequencer Plus System Real Time Messages (Play/Browse mode)
When the sequencer is in Play/Browse mode and no song is playing yet
If a Start (OxFA) or Continue (OxFB) message is received: The file shown on screen will be opened
and played from the beginning (analogous to Play/Pause button).
2. If another Start or Continue message is received after the initial start, the song will be paused (like
pressing the Play/Pause button).
3. If another Start or Continue message is received: The song will be resumed from the point it was
paused (like the Play/Pause button).
If a Stop (OxFC) message is received: The Sequencer will stop playing and the file will be closed
(like the Stop button).
15.3.4. Plus System Real Time Messages (Record mode)
When the sequencer is in Record mode and is not recording yet
1. If a Start (OxFA) message is received: The Sequencer will go into Record Pause (this is also
possible by pressing the REC button).
2. If another Start message is received, or a Continue message or MIDI event, recording will start
(analogous to the Play/Pause button).
3. If a Stop (OxFC) message is received: The recording will be stopped (like pressing the Stop button).
4. If after a recording a Continue message is received; the sequencer remains in Record Mode. The
recorded song will be played back so it can be heard without having to change the sequencer’s mode
The Sequencer can also be set in Record Pause manully with the REC button. When it receives a Start
or Continue, it will directly start recording. This way only one Start message is responsible for the
start of a recording.
The sequencer ignores Active Sensing (0xFE) and Clocks (0xF8) at its MIDI In port.
16. Troubleshooting
If you are having a problem with the MIDI Sequencer Plus and a message is displayed then consult the
troubleshooting chart. If this does not resolve your problem then please contact the Church Organ World
office for advice. For problems with MIDI editing the best source of advice is the internet.